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Book: Suddenly by Barbara Delinsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Delinsky
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resources, and without a high school diploma, Jill had little chance of improving on it. Adoption seemed the wisest solution.
    The immediate problem, given that Jill was still a minor, was breaking the news to her parents. Knowing that the longer they waited the worse it would be, Paige phoned each, arranged a meeting in her office at three-thirty that afternoon, then ordered Jill to take a nap on the sofa while she saw her afternoon patients.
    Frank Stickley was furious. His wife, Jane, stood by in fearful silence while he cursed Jill’s lack of brains, morals, and looks, none of which Paige found lacking in the least.
    “Jill made a mistake,” Paige pointed out calmly. “It isn’t anything that has to spoil her life.”
    “Are you kidding?” Frank yelled. “She’s having a kid. ”
    “Which she’ll be giving up for adoption. The adoption agency will cover the cost of her medical care. There won’t be any imposition on you.”
    “But I have to look at her all those months, look at that belly getting bigger and bigger, and know that the whole town knows and is laughing up a storm.” He faced Jill. “You’re a slut. I told you this’d happen. That boyfriend of yours was no good. I said it. But did you listen? Naaaaah. You knew all the answers. Well, what’s your answer about school? How you gonna finish school having a baby?”
    “I’m dropping out. I’ll finish after I have the baby.”
    “She’ll carry the baby to term,” Paige said in support, “give it up for adoption, then pick up her life right where she left off.”
    “Not in my house, she won’t.”
    “Frank,” his wife protested, then cowered when he aimed a finger her way. The finger was threat enough. He didn’t have to say another word.
    “You won’t know I’m around, Daddy. Really,” Jill promised.
    “I’ll know. So will every randy dandy in Tucker. You can bet that once that baby’s gone, they’ll be coming round, now that that stupid boyfriend of yours ran off. Well, I won’t have it. You want to stay in town, you can find somewhere else to live. I don’t want to see you.” Without so much as a glance at either his wife or Paige, he stormed from the office.
    Jill started to cry.
    Jane looked tormented, torn between appeasing Frank by following him out and staying to comfort her daughter.
    “Go with him,” Paige urged softly, taking Jill’s hand. “Jill’s coming home with me.”
    Jane gave a convulsive head shake. “You can’t—”
    “I’ve just hired her. I need a live-in someone for a little while. It’s perfect.” She shooed Jane out. “Go. Make things as easy on yourself as you can. We’ll talk later.”
    Looking dubious, Jane left, and in the quiet that ensued, Paige told Jill about Sami. “It’s the perfect solution,” she concluded. “If you’re determined to drop out of school”—which she was, though Paige had done her best to dissuade her—“you’ll need something to keep you busy. I need someone to watch Sami when I’m at work and when emergency calls come through at night.” With Jill in one of the upstairs rooms, she wouldn’t have a qualm about setting up Sami in the other. The fact that her little house was getting fuller and fuller seemed secondary. “It’s an important job. Sami has special needs right now. Do you think you can do it?”
    “Do you think I can?” Jill asked cautiously.
    Paige smiled. “Without a doubt.” Her smile faltered, then reappeared. “And you aren’t allergic to cats.” She glanced at her watch. “This is perfect timing. I have cross-country practice in an hour. I was going to take Sami with me to Mount Court.” Though the Head would never have approved. She wondered if he would be on the lookout for her. “Now I won’t have to. We’ll send Mrs. Busbee home, put Sami in the carriage, and you can take her for a long walk while I run. It’ll be good for you both. She’s a little angel. You’ll see.” She was rising to clean up her desk when

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