Suck It Up

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Book: Suck It Up by Emma Hillman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Hillman
Tags: Romance
hear him, too focused on the woman’s…breasts? He followed her gaze and realized the patient had been covered by a towel and nothing else. She was now quite naked, and she had the most perfect tits he’d seen in a long while.
    “Wow,” he mouthed then remembered he’d left her upset sister in the waiting room. “Let’s be professional, shall we, Kellie?”
    She froze for a second. “Hmm. Yes. Sure. Yes.”
    It didn’t take him long to notice the bump on the back of the woman’s head. She’d probably slipped in the shower and was now regaining consciousness.
    She blinked and moaned a little, trying to sit up before she fully registered where she was. When her eyes opened, she stiffened. “Who are you?”
    “Dr. Franks. You hit your head and might have a concussion. I’d advise you to stop moving until I’ve finished with my examination.” He smiled down at her, but she remained stiff. “Kellie?” he finally said, hoping his nurse would be able to reassure her. And she did, much more happily than he’d ever seen her talk to a patient before.
    He stood there, adding pertinent details to the woman’s chart, and he couldn’t help but be aware of his nurse’s lioness. The one who was so aroused it was starting to send out pheromones.
    Seriously? She had to do this here? Now? He was going to have to talk to her. Again.
    * * * *
    Trust her lioness to notice a patient’s naked body while she was at work. Argh! Kellie bit her lower lip and forced her animal deeper into her. Nails raked her from the inside out in retaliation. Breathing through her nose to counteract the pain, she straightened her fingers and hoped they wouldn’t shake too much.
    She pasted a bright smile on her face. “How are you feeling? Dr. Franks is nearly finished, and then I’ll get you something to wear.”
    The woman smiled back, faintly at first but with more strength as soon as McDreamy turned around to rummage through a drawer. “Thank you. What’s your name?”
    “Oh. Kellie.”
    “I’m Jane.”
    “Nice to meet you, Jane.”
    “You, too,” the woman replied, shifting a little, the paper covering the table rustling beneath her. Her breasts jiggled at the movement. The nipples were crinkled, probably from the cold room. They looked so good though, so inviting…
    Shut up! Kellie snarled inwardly at her lioness. I’m working here!
    But she looks so tempting. I want her.
    Not now!
    “Everything okay?” Dr. Franks reappeared at her side, his gaze heavy on her.
    She could see in his eyes he’d noticed something was going on. Please don’t let him know what’s wrong with me. He was the Alpha’s son. If there was someone in this Pride who could guess, it’d be him. She knew it, had known ever since she’d started working here. She didn’t want to move towns again! Damn it!
    “Everything’s fine,” she finally answered, the lie rolling off her lips as easily as it always did.
    His shoulders tensed, and she knew she’d done the wrong thing.

    Chapter Two
    It had been a long and extremely busy day at the practice, but it wasn’t over yet. He’d told Kellie to meet him in his office as soon as she was finished. Reclining in the leather armchair that had come with his new position, Nate stared at the ceiling and thought again about what’d happened that morning. He could still smell her arousal, as unbelievable as that was. Her mating scent had wrapped around him and still hadn’t let go. It’d been so bad he’d had to spend the day with his cock at half-mast inside his scrubs. Not a good look for his first week on the job!
    He gritted his teeth at the thought, and that’s how she found him when she stepped inside the room. Without having knocked first. Of course.
    “Sit down,” he snapped at her, watching her eyebrows rise at his tone.
    “You could say please, you know,” she mumbled but still obeyed.
    He frowned then realized he’d used his Alpha voice on her. Shit, I’m losing

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