Submission Becomes Her

Submission Becomes Her by Paige Tyler

Book: Submission Becomes Her by Paige Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Tyler
Submission Becomes Her
    Paige Tyler

    Josie Roberts has a secret fantasy. She wants to be dominated, to feel owned by a
    man in the bedroom while being his complete equal outside of it. Finding that man has been difficult, however. But then she meets “Sir Dom” in an online BDSM chat room.
    After weeks of cyberspanking, Josie and her online Dom are ready for the real thing, so they agree to meet in person.
    When Josie arrives at the restaurant, she’s stunned to discover “Sir Dom” is none
    other than her ex-boyfriend Gavin Elliot. He’s gorgeous, but when it came to sex he was about as vanilla as a man could get. Or so she’d always thought.
    Gavin had kept his fantasies of dominating a woman in the bedroom a secret. Now
    he’s going to live out every fantasy he’s ever had by tying Josie up and spanking her until she begs for more.

    Ellora’s Cave Publishing
    Submission Becomes Her
    ISBN 9781419937873
    Submission Becomes Her Copyright © 2011 Paige Tyler
    Edited by Raelene Gorlinsky
    Cover design by Syneca
    Photography: Asiana/
    Electronic book publication November 2011
    The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.
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    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
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    Paige Tyler

    With special thanks to my extremely patient and understanding husband, without
    whose help and support I couldn’t have pursued my dream of becoming a writer.
    You’re my sounding board, my idea man, my critique partner, and the absolute best
    research assistant any girl could ask for!

    Paige Tyler

Chapter One
    Josie Roberts couldn’t believe she’d agreed to go on a real, live, honest-to-goodness date with the man who’d been spanking her for the past eight weeks. Well, he hadn’t spanked her for real, only online. But it had been more erotic than anything she’d ever experienced.
    She met Sir Dom in a spanking chat room a few months ago and the two of them
    had immediately clicked. Probably because he was so naturally dominant and she was so naturally submissive. Talking in the chat room had quickly progressed to emailing each other and chatting on Yahoo! Messenger.
    The conversation had flowed even more easily away from the chat room, and Josie
    found herself opening up about past relationships and how they hadn’t worked because the men she’d dated hadn’t been into the whole dominant/submissive lifestyle. Sir
    Dom admitted that was the main reason things with his previous partners hadn’t
    worked either. Josie felt herself

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