
Submission by Ella Ardent

Book: Submission by Ella Ardent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Ardent
Tags: Romance, Adult
its cool width around that
ankle, knotting it again. More sliding satin and her ankles were bound
together, her feet wrapped in smooth captivity. The satin ribbon fell on her
buttocks in waves, then he wrapped the ribbon from her ankles around her waist,
tying this knot a little tighter than the original one.
    “Hog-tied,” he said, his voice a
breath beside her ear. “Just as you requested.”
    Harnessed and hog-tied.
    He flipped her over and tossed her
onto the velvet couch so that she landed on her back and bounced slightly. Then
he wrapped her, truly encasing her in the satin, wound the ribbon around and
around so that she was completely surrounded by it. It could have been her
second skin, the ribbon bound so tightly around her body that she thought she
would explode.
    Only her nipples, her mouth and
her sex remained exposed.
    It was impossible that anyone
could be more securely bound than she.
    Joanna adored the sensation.
    She should have guessed what he
was doing when he propped some pillows beneath her, but still the flash of the
camera surprised her. He took three, four, maybe five shots of her trussed up
in that ribbon, then rolled her over and took more from the back.
    The pictures worried her all over
again, agitating her with possibilities.
    The Master seemed to sense as
much. He kissed her ferociously, then when her mouth was swollen and open, he
took a shot of her in her hood. Joanna was sure she looked like she was loving
it and wanting more. She thought of those pictures, tried to imagine what he
would do with them, and shook.
    “For our scrapbook,” he said.
“Joanna bound a thousand ways.”
    Joanna moaned. She was trembling
and hot when his fingers closed over her clitoris in a tight pinch. He caressed
her with ease, driving her crazy with her helplessness and his power. “You’re
forbidden to come,” he said, teasing her so adeptly that she wasn’t sure she’d
have a choice.
    He bent and ate her, a hundred
times more masterful in his touch than Rafael had been. Joanna moaned and he
put one hand over her mouth, his fingers smelling like her sex and the Plume’s
body wash. His hand locked over her lips, ensuring her silence. He opened her
mouth to rub his fingers against her teeth.
    She couldn’t even think as he
flicked his tongue across her hard clitoris, and she gasped when he closed his
mouth over her completely. She felt his teeth and his tongue, his breath. His
other hand lifted her butt, his thumb caressing her labia, and Joanna knew she
couldn’t last any longer.
    “Who owns you?” he whispered, his
breath against her sex, driving her crazy.
    “My Master owns me,” she replied,
wishing he’d just finish her off.
    “What can your Master do to you?”
    “Anything he wants.” She
improvised into the silence. “Anywhere he wants. Anytime he wants. I am his to
command. I am his possession.” She pumped her hips and moaned. “Master,
    His heat moved away and she heard
the crackle of a package. Her breath caught with the conviction of what he
would do. A heartbeat later, he moved up the length of her, settling his weight
atop her and driving his strength inside her.
    He was as hard and thick as he’d
been before, but he dragged himself against her sex slowly as he moved in and
out. The condom tugged a little bit against her thickened lips, too. He was
tormenting her and she adored it. He locked his hands around her head, bracing
his weight on his elbows, moving with surety, in complete command.
    He drew out of her then drove in,
his strength making her gasp. He made the same move again, his hips rolling
against her. The satin, the miserable gorgeous satin, held her captive to
whatever he wanted to do. Joanna was floating in her satin bonds, consumed by
sensation and beholden to the Master’s touch.
    He dragged his erection across her
clitoris, doing it so slowly that she groaned. Again and again and again he
repeated the move until she was sure she

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