Sub for a Week

Sub for a Week by Unknown

Book: Sub for a Week by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
checked her outfit again, but the black leather didn't look very sub-like to me at all.
    "Nope." Daniel laughed when I looked at him. "She might be a pain slut, but she likes both giving and receiving. She and her partner are switches. One night she'll be the Domme, and other nights she'll be his sub."
    "What about you?"
    "What? Am I a switch?" He shook his head. "I've never subbed to anyone, so I honestly couldn't say. That said , the thought of subbing tends to make my skin crawl, so I doubt I'm a switch." He paused, then said, "Why do you ask? Does the other side of this lifestyle interest you?"
    "Not at all. I think being a Domme would scare me more than being a sub does."
    "Bad word choice, but you know what I mean. Uncomfortable."
    Daniel nodded knowingly and turned off the television. "So, the demo starts in about thirty minutes. Would you rather stay home and have another session with me when I get back, or would you like to go and see Maddie bring the pain down on her partner?"
    I shivered at the way he said it. His voice was hoarse, but in a good way. He's teasing you. I swallowed and immediately went into sub mode.
    "Is it wrong of me to say I want to go and watch more than I want to scene right now?" I asked, not looking at him.
    "I'm glad. See? This lifestyle isn't all about sex. The demos we put on are for educational purposes only. However, after the demo, we like to help the newer couples with their training. Some like having a hand to guide them. Others take to the playrooms to try things in private. One thing we make sure of is to always have medical staff on hand. It's about to get very crowded in there." He lifted my chin so I'd look at him. "Are you sure you want to go?"
    I nodded. "Yes."
    "These tend to run pretty long, so we might not be able to—"
    I waved my hand, dismissing the issue altogether. "Don't worry about it. I'm more interested in the demo to be honest. I mean, I can have private lessons with you anytime I want, right?"
    "If you're still interested."
    I glared at him and smiled. "Tease."
    "I try." He helped me up from the sofa and grabbed our jackets from behind the door. "Shall we?"
      Holding my hand, Daniel led me into the main room of the dungeon. Trance music played in the background, but the guests still hadn't arrived. I glanced at the clock behind the bar. Almost eight.
    Daniel let my hand drop to my side. "I'm going to get changed. You can look at the play stations if you like. I'll be right back."
    My body trembled when he kissed me on the lips, but before I could retaliate, he broke away, flashing me a devilish grin before disappearing into one of the adjoining rooms. Get changed? What was it he had to get changed into anyway? We'd just come from the apartment. Why not get changed there?
    The click of heels on the wooden floor caught my attention, and I smiled when I saw Maddie heading in my direction.
    "Hey, you," she said, giving me a hug. "Daniel leave you here to fend off the sharks on your own?"
    I glanced around the room, but he had yet to reappear. "Said he had to get changed?"
    She laughed. "That'd be Daniel all right. He has a certain way he likes to look for these things. I swear, he's as bad as a woman on her first date, but don't worry. He doesn't play. It's mostly just for appearances."
    "Speaking of appearances." I gestured to her outfit. I hadn't noticed it back at the apartment, but the leather suit she wore had openings near her cleavage as well as along the outsides of her legs. "Is that supposed to be a tease, or what?"
    She batted her eyes. "Or what?" Taking my hand, she led me over to the odd wooden horse I'd seen earlier. She held on to it and leaned over, probably to stretch her back. "So, you ever been to a demo before?"
    "Ever been flogged?"
    I shook my head. "Not unless you count the stings I gave to myself almost a week ago."
    "Let me guess, Daniel, right?"
    "Sort of. He sent me a flogger in a box so I could get used to

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