Styx (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #2)

Styx (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #2) by Victoria Ashley

Book: Styx (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #2) by Victoria Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Ashley
Tags: Styx
    He steps up close to his face, intimidating him. “If you even think about asking her to your fucking car again or to her fucking truck, I will hear about it and then you will hear from me. Got it? Don’t fuck with what is mine.”
    My stomach fills with butterflies when I hear him say mine and I freeze . I don’t know if he’s just saying it to get Jase off my ass or if he really wants me as his, but holy shit, if those words didn’t make my heart about beat out of my chest.
    The boys step back and out of the way as the door opens and voices fill the room as Mandy and Julie help the patient to his bed.
    Mandy stops to look at the three of us, before putting her professional face back on and making sure that the patient is comfortable.
    I take this as my chance to grab Styx and get us the hell out of here, before anyone can ask any questions.
    I know I’ll have to explain to Mandy later, but right now, I just want an escape.
    The look on Styx’s face is mixed with anger and worry as he reaches behind the empty counter and picks up a brown paper bag.
    “I brought you lunch. I didn’t see anyone at the desk, so I left it here and looked for you.” He wraps his arms around me and leans in to whisper in my ear. “Thank you for breakfast . . .” he lets out a sexy growl, causing goosebumps to cover my whole body. “And for dessert.”
    The worry on his face when he pulls away from me, causes my heart to drop. “Styx . . . I don’t want anything to do with Jase anymore.”
    His eyes study mine, before he leans in and presses his lips against my forehead, kissing it gently. “He obviously doesn’t get the picture . . . yet. Maybe I need to come around more.”
    He places the bag in my hand and flexes his jaw, while looking over my shoulder. “I’ll be back when you get off work.”
    “Won’t you be at the club?”
    His blue eyes look down to meet mine and I can see the sincerity in them. “Yeah, after I make sure you get out of here safely. The club can wait.”
    “Meadow,” the charge nurse calls out, sounding annoyed as usual. “You’re needed in room 312. Please say goodbye to your friend.”
    Styx grabs the bag back out of my hand and sets it behind the counter again. “I’ll see you tonight.” He kisses me and then turns to walk away.
    My eyes trail down this strong back, landing on his firm ass and I almost forget that I’m wanted, until Dani calls me again, letting me know that she’s pissed.
    Giving her a fake smile, I walk past her and disappear into room 312 to catch my breath.
    The patient is sleeping, so I quickly do my job and then slip out the door, hoping that I can find a second to sneak into the bathroom and go over in my head what the hell just happened in that room with Styx.
    I lock myself in the empty bathroom and lean against the wall, replaying Styx’s mouth on me.
    Holy fuck, I can’t believe I just let him do that to me. Here. At work. I could’ve gotten caught.
    I just hope like hell that Jase doesn’t decide to be an asshole and get me fired.
    After I have a few moments to myself, I step out of the bathroom just to have Jase waiting outside.
    “What the fuck was that?” He follows beside me as I walk in an attempt to lose him. “You’re fucking this guy over me? He’s a male stripper. He doesn’t even deserve your time, dammit.”
    “Fuck off, Jase.” I stop abruptly and turn around to face him. “Don’t you dare think that you have the right to judge Styx.”
    He laughs as if I just said something funny. “Styx. Real fucking nice. Sounds like a real man to me.”
    I shove my finger in his chest and dig it in as I look him in the eyes. “Oh he is,” I say firmly. “More of a man than you’ll ever be.” My eyes trail down to his not so big bulge. “Styx seems to make every man other than him look small. Trust me.”
    “Oh come on. Don’t do me like that.” He follows me as I begin walking again. “Meadow . . . just let me take you out with me

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