Stronger With Her
dreams. Fuck. My dick follows my thoughts and the last thing I need is to be sporting a hard on in the office.
    “What are you doing down here with the little people, Runt?” Jason asks sporting a shit-eating grin.
    “I can come down here anytime I want to. It’s my fucking company,” I say as I walk by, not stopping for further conversation.
    “What crawled up your ass and died, asshole? I was just kidding,” he says to my back. I spin around to face him.
    “Look, what I do and who I talk to is none of your business. Get back to work,” I turn and press the button for the elevator.
    “Wow, man. Sorry,” Jason says quietly, backing away with his hands up in front of him.
    I know I’m being a prick, but I’m not in the mood for his crap today. I’ve got to pull my shit together, but the only way to do that is to get more of her. Once I reach my office, I ask Simone to come in and close the door. I trust her to keep her mouth shut and she’s the only one who can help me at this point.
    “What’s up, James? We haven’t had a closed-door meeting in quite a while,” she says with a knowing smile.
    “I need your help with something that nobody else can know about. I trust you can keep things quiet?”
    She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m offended that you have to ask that question. What’s her name?”
    “What?” I ask, falling into my office chair. Why does this woman have to know me so well?
    “You can dance around this all you want, but we both know this has to do with a woman. I guess it’s either someone you met this weekend or our computer consultant. Either way, you’re walking around here barking at everyone and being a total jerk, which has only happened one other time in all the years I’ve known you. So, let’s just skip the bullshit and you tell me what’s going on.” She stands in front of my desk wearing a satisfied smile, waiting for my response.
    “Okay, you’re right. It’s Stephanie. I ran into her over the weekend, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her since she started here. It’s a horrible idea to mix business and personal, but,” I pause, trying to think of what to say that won’t make me sound like a wuss.
    “But you want to see where this could go?” Simone finishes my thought for me. I nod, not trusting my words at this point.
    “This is great, James. Really. I’ve been worried about you for years since everything happened. The limited interaction I’ve had with her tells me that she would be good for you. So, what do you need from me?” Simone’s been so understanding over the years.
    “I’m not sure. She just summarily dismissed me from her office. She won’t talk to me.”
    “What did you do to cause that kind of reaction?” she asks, raising one eyebrow.
    “Nothing, I didn’t do a fucking thing,” I respond defensively.
    “Oh, my God. You didn’t sleep with her did you? Please tell me you didn’t,” she says shaking her head.
    “No!” I shout. “I can’t really talk about it, but I need to make this right, Simone. You’ve got to help me.”
    “Okay. You need to start over with this girl. You’re going to have to romance her. Most women can’t resist a man who takes the time to go all Jamie Fraser on her, you know?”
    “Actually, I have no idea who you’re talking about. Jamie who?”
    Simone sighs and throws her hands up exasperatedly.
    “For all that is holy. You need to watch more television. Jamie Fraser is the most romantic, alpha male from Outlander. I wish you’d expand your popular culture knowledge a little bit,” she says smiling at me. I’m not one to watch many things on TV. Sports, yes, but not dramas or girlie shit.
    “All right, so what would this guy do, huh? I need to fix this now.”
    “You need to leave her a note. Write her a letter and let her know that you’re thinking about her. But, under no circumstances do you make it seem like you’re saving her or telling her

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