Strike (Completion Series)

Strike (Completion Series) by Holly S. Roberts

Book: Strike (Completion Series) by Holly S. Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly S. Roberts
dipped and Reed rolled me into his arms , carrying me back to his bathroom. My feet hit the floor and I watched while he removed the condom from his cock and flushed it. He started the water in the gigantic bath, adjusting the temperature. He looked at me and smiled.
    “May I leave you for just a few seconds? I tossed the other condom on the floor and don’t want to forget it.”
    I could feel the heat travel to my cheeks.
    “You are so adorable for such a firecracker.” He lifted my hands and circled them around his neck.
    His lips took mine in the sweetest kiss. When he released me, he turned and walked out of the room. I tested the bath water and then placed both feet in and lowered myself into the warm liquid, needing the heat on my muscles.
    “Keep your eyes closed , baby, unless you want to watch me pee.”
    Oh my God, the man had no boundaries. I didn’t peek. Living in a trailer with my brother made for no privacy, but Reed didn’t seem to have a problem with the concept. I heard the stream hit the water and then the toilet flush. I sank a little bit farther under the water until he stepped in and the water went over my head.
    “ You’re a water hog. Move over.” He slid in beside me, moved me down, and arranged himself so his legs rested on either side of mine and I could lean back against his chest.
    “How do you feel?” His voice was so wonderfully lazy.
    “ Our date would have been fun, but this was so much better.” He cupped water in his hands and dribbled it on my chest. I opened my eyes and looked down. There were several hickeys on the rise of my breasts. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what my neck and shoulders looked like. I’d never understood why any woman would allow a man to mark her like this. Now I did because it was Reed’s way of claiming me and I felt special.
    “I think my brother might not be happy about what you did to my skin.”
    The rumble beneath my head let me know he silently laughed. “It wasn’t against the rules, or at least not mentioned in the rules, so I’ll remind him of that.”
    I was grinning like an idiot. “We need to talk about those rules.”
    He moved his hands so the water dribbled directly on my nipples. “Sorry, baby, but them’s man rules and must be kept secret.”
    “Humph.” I wasn’t sure what I loved…backtrack, liked …more about Reed—his big cock that was starting to invade my space in the bathtub, his ability to make me laugh, or that he appeared to be a really good guy.
    I think the invader was winning right now , or maybe it was what the water was doing to my nipples. I was thoroughly hot and bothered again. I tried turning over, but he captured my upper arms, holding me in place.
    “None of that. I need to get you home and I know you’re sore ,” he whispered in my ear with his sexier-than-hell whisper.
    My words came out on a strangled moan. “Then why are you doing this to me?”
    “What , this?” He scooped up more water and aimed for my nipples again, but I covered them just as the drops started to fall.
    Blocking his waterfall had a different effect than what I expected.
    His voice dropped another octave . “Don’t do that.”
    “What , this?” I began massaging my breasts. Slowly kneading them with my hands, letting the nipples peek between my fingers. I used just enough pressure and felt it between my legs. Yes, I was sore, my nipples were sore, I had the most delicious body aches, but my biggest ache was for Reed. Again.
    “You’re not playing fair , but don’t stop, baby.” He pressed his hips upward so his cock dug into my back.
    There was even his use of “baby.” A week ago, I would have considered it condescending, but every time he said it, a thrill ran through me. I continued playing with my nipples while his fingers found my pulsing center that craved his touch. He was gentle and it felt so damn good. He started pushing a finger in and out while rubbing my clit in small circles. His

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