Stop Wasting Your Life & Do Something
them, lending them a hand, supporting them through a tough time, giving them advice, or just lending an ear to listen to their problems, you will feel better.
    Many Ultra-Rich business people reach a point in their lives where they feel as though they need to give something back. They realise that contribution is one of the most important things in life, and that giving back to others not only makes them feel better, but it changes the world.
    My partner used to be a Samaritan. She’d sit in the office, and take calls from people just to be able to help. She said it was an amazing experience.
    You can give your time, your money, or your expertise. If you’re short of time, then you can donate to a charity or charities of your choice. If you’re short of money, but have plenty of time, you can volunteer to help others. If you have a skill, you can donate your talents, even if it’s not often, to help others.
    Who do you know that could do with some help or support right now? Who do you know that would like to learn from you? What good causes would you like to support, but just haven’t had the time to, or just haven’t gotten around to doing?
    Could you start contributing in your own home? Does your partner struggle with the housework whilst you watch TV? If so, get up and help them. Do your kids find their homework difficult, but you’re too busy to help them? Change it.
    Could you contribute in your road? Do you have an elderly neighbour that could do with some help or assistance? Do you know somebody locally that could do with a bit of financial support?
    Remember, you can always do things anonymously if you don’t want people to know about what you’re doing. You could buy someone a book and post it to them with a note from an “Anonymous” friend. You could do an online shop for them and put a note in from “Someone that cares”.
    Have a think about what you could do. You’ll feel great if you actually do it.

Chapter 35
    Master The Only Thing You Can – Yourself
    We’ve talked about a lot of things in this book so far, but true happiness can be achieved with this one simple principle.
    Every day, try to become better at what you do, and learn to master yourself.
    If you were the true master of yourself you could never be anything but happy, unless you wanted to be.
    You would be the master of your thoughts
    You would be the master of your emotions
    You would be the master of your body
    You would be the master of your relationships
    You would be the master of your finances
    You would be the master of your time
    You would be the master of your destiny
    You would be the master of your health
    99.999999999999999999% of people will never achieve this. In fact, maybe nobody EVER will achieve this, but the closer you get to this, the happier you will be.
    Create the habits that will lead to your success. Set aside time for the important things. Learn something new every day. Become an expert at something.
    All this is just a choice. The only question is, what are you choosing?
    Are you choosing the best path for YOU? If not, then you can always choose again tomorrow. If you chose the wrong path today, don’t beat yourself up. Just choose a different path tomorrow, or in the next minute. It’s up to you. You can change in one second. It’s just a decision. The next time you go to put food in your mouth, you can decide if it’s right. The next time you talk to your kids, you can decide how you want that interaction to be.
    Will you make mistakes? Absolutely. Does everybody make mistakes? Absolutely. Can you correct them? Most of the time yes. Just be careful of where you scatter your feathers.
    I hope you enjoy the rest of your life.

Other Titles By Simon Smith
    One Hour To… Managing Your Money
    One Hour To… Excellent Selling Skills
    One Hour To… Positive Self Esteem
    One Hour To… Coaching For

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