Stone Cold Seduction
what I mean. You would have known about it and been married by twenty-five, at the latest. If there’s an engagement contract, there are usually stipulations about when and where the wedding will take place.”
    Stipulations? It sounded so cold when he put it like that. I wrinkled my nose. “So what happened?”
    “I’m not sure. Something ended the contract, but it would have to have been pretty serious.” Teryl dropped onto my couch and leaned back into the cushions. “When a contract is made between two lines to secure an alliance, both sides take it very seriously. If the contract was made null and void, it means something major happened.”
    “Like what?”
    “There could have been a disagreement between Jedren and MacLean’s father, Cian. The contract could have been tied to a business deal, and if that fell through, both would fall through. Or maybe because your abilities never surfaced, MacLean’s family could have used that as grounds to be released from the contract.”
    “And because of the screwed up kids we’d have,” I added with sarcasm. I sat in the armchair next to the couch. The smaller frame fit my body perfectly. The cheerful print fabric usually put me in a happy mood. Not today.
    “Exactly.” He noticed my dirty look and shrugged. “You know what I mean. Because the lines have been weakening, strong abilities are a requirement. That’s one of the reasons marriage contracts are so carefully made and entered into. To ensure the continued success and strength of the families.”
    From a logical standpoint, what he said made sense. But what about love and partnership? “Okay, let’s say that’s what it was. I didn’t show any abilities, the engagement was called off and…?”
    “And that might be why Jedren wiped your memories. If you had no abilities, you would be a liability to him.”
    I cringed. I couldn’t help it. From what I could remember, I had always been nothing more than a liability to him. It wasn’t something a child wanted or needed to hear.
    Teryl grimaced as he realized what he’d said. “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”
    “I know you didn’t. I know exactly what you mean. You’re probably right. But if it’s okay with you, I’d like to get back to the whole mate concept. Talking about Jedren isn’t going to help right now.” Any time my father was brought up in conversation, fury simmered just below the surface. I didn’t need to be on an emotional roller coaster right now. I was having enough trouble keeping up with the rest of it.
    “Like I said before, when you find your mate, you make a commitment. You’re bound forever. It’s like a marriage, only more.”
    “More, how?” I was genuinely curious. I wasn’t ready for marriage, and I wasn’t ready to take eternal vows. However, I did want to know why Jax was so adamant to “claim” me.
    “There’s a ceremony. The details differ from line to line, but the type of ceremony is determined by the magic involved.”
    “The magic? Meaning the abilities?”
    “Yes, exactly. To be honest, I don’t know much about them. Oracles only marry oracles, so Jax would have to tell you more about what his line requires.”
    “I don’t have to drink blood or anything weird like that, do I?”
    Teryl smirked at me. “You really need to stop watching those vampire shows.”
    “What?” I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “Like there’s anything normal about having a mate and the ceremony that goes with it?”
    “It’s normal for our world,” Teryl said, in a quiet voice.
    I let my hands drop to my lap. I would have to start considering it my world, too, now. “Right. So, Jax is supposed to be my mate, and there’s a ceremony, and what happens depends on our lines.”
    “And Jedren is the king of shadow elves, and I’m his heir.” I refused to use the title of princess. Not even Teryl knew why. Luke did.
    Teryl watched and waited for me to finish.
    “And I can

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