Stepbrother With Benefits #9 (Second Season)

Stepbrother With Benefits #9 (Second Season) by Mia Clark

Book: Stepbrother With Benefits #9 (Second Season) by Mia Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Clark
Stepbrother With Benefits 9
    *** Ashley
    "A shley, are you awake?"
    Nope!  I'm kind of sleeping here?  I guess I'm on the border between sleeping and waking up, but I just want to go back to sleep.  I like cuddling in bed with Ethan.  I like feeling his chest beneath my cheek and my arm draped over his body, and...
    I can feel his slumbering erection with my knee, which is really exciting to me.  I know that's kind of weird, but I like it.  With my eyes closed still, I move my knee from the top of his thighs to a little higher, and nudge against his hard cock.  He twitches as soon as I touch him, becoming even more aroused from the tiniest hint of stimulation.
    Is he sleeping still, though?  I wink open one eye to look and see, and he definitely looks like he's still asleep.  His breathing is soft and his eyes are closed, but I suppose he could be faking it, too.  It doesn't really matter, though, does it?  I carefully sneak my hand down Ethan's chest, towards his stomach, a little lower.  My fingers gently wrap around the shaft of his erection, and...
    Oh my God.  Oh no, no no.  Um...
    That's my mother.  And she's upstairs.  She's standing in the hallway, apparently.  It sounds like maybe she's further down the hall near my room.  I hear her knock on my bedroom door.  I didn't leave it locked, because how would I get back in after?  Ethan's door is locked, though.  Which doesn't mean much, because if my mom opens my door she'll see I'm not there, and she'll know exactly where I am.
    Just because... because, um... I can't think of a reason not to?  I hold Ethan's cock a little harder, keeping a firm grip on him, and then I stroke him up and down.  A little more.  Faster and harder.  He starts to wake up and his hips buck against my hand.  He's so much more aroused in his sleep, and it's fascinating in a weird way.  I did this before, um... before before.  I got him to cum easily with just a few strokes when he was sleeping, and I didn't even know it was that easy, but apparently it is sometimes?
    He's awake now, though.  His eyes blink open, taking in his surroundings, and then he glances over at me.  I smile at him, devilish yet sweet.  Ethan grunts and settles back down onto his bed, then closes his eyes again.  He puts his hands behind his head like he's relaxed, ready and waiting.
    I feel him twitch a little more in my hands, and I think he's very close, which is exactly what I wanted.
    "This is payback!" I tell him.
    Which it is.  For last night and his teasing.  I'm allowed one tease, too, right?  Rule number nineteen!
    I let go of him fast right before he's about to cum and then I slip off the bed and run to his bedroom door.  Before he realizes what's going on, I have the door open and I'm out in the hall.
    Um... I don't know if I mentioned this, but I kind of forgot my clothes?  I had them when I went into Ethan's room last night, but then I took them off.  I still have my bra and panties on, which I guess is something, but it's really not a lot.  It's especially not a lot when I almost crash into my mom in the hallway right outside Ethan's room.  She stops and I stop and we stare at each other.
    "Ashley!" my mom says, staring hard at me, her eyes narrowed.
    "Um... hi, Mom," I say.  "Good morning?"
    "Don't you good morning me, young lady," she says.  "Where are your clothes?"
    Does she really have to ask that?  Considering where I just came from, I think she has a pretty good idea.
    "I was doing laundry?" I offer.
    "I was willing to accept your relationship with Ethan," my mother says, huffy, hands on her hips.  "Not if you're going to start lying to me, though."
    I mumble and mutter something.  My mom takes hold of my elbow and leads me down the hall to my bedroom, where she promptly opens the door and ushers us both in.
    "Now, what were you saying before?" she asks, closing the door behind us.
    "I left my clothes in Ethan's room," I mutter, quiet.
    "That's all

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