Stepbrother Romance 3 - Addicted: A New Adult Alpha Billionaire Romance

Stepbrother Romance 3 - Addicted: A New Adult Alpha Billionaire Romance by Tawny Taylor

Book: Stepbrother Romance 3 - Addicted: A New Adult Alpha Billionaire Romance by Tawny Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tawny Taylor
narrower bed she had parked next to it. And my whole body trembled as I scooted. The driver made small talk as we squeaked down polished-floored hallways, taking me back to the room in which I’d started my labor. There, Ransom, Mom and Kent were waiting for me. Kent was cradling a tiny wrapped bundle in his arms.
    “There she is,” he said, his voice low and smooth, “There’s your mama.” He waited as I was situated, the head of the bed raised to a semi-reclined position. Then he handed that tiny bundle to me.
    Instantly my heart swelled with love so profound and overpowering tears gushed from my eyes.
    I was holding her at last, my baby. Our baby. She was so beautiful, dark eyes open wide, soft little mouth pouting, tiny upturned nose. As her face brushed against the blanket swaddling, she turned and opened her mouth like a tiny bird searching for food.
    “I think she’s hungry,” I said.
    Mom smiled. “You can feed her.”
    “The anesthesia?”
    “The nurse told us it’s safe. Do you need help?”
    Feeling a little awkward and uncomfortable I shook my head. “No thank you.” I opened the snaps on the shoulder of my gown and placed the baby’s face next to my breast. Her head bobbed around a little until her mouth found my nipple and then she latched on and began suckling. The sensation was odd at first but within seconds it was completely natural.
    “Look at that. She’s figured it out already,” Mom exclaimed.
    Kent’s eyes twinkled. “Well, she is my daughter after all. Of course she’s brilliant. And beautiful, like her mother.”
    “Speaking of her mother, I heard I’m engaged,”I said. “Did I miss something? Besides the birth of our daughter, that is?”
    Kent chuckled. The sound was rich and his bright smile made my heart leap. At least I thought it was his smile. Maybe it was the medicines. After all, I was on some major pain killers. “You don’t remember?” He pasted on a fake pout. “I’m devastated you’ve forgotten already. You said you would marry me.”
    “When? Was I under the influence of drugs?” I asked.
    He shrugged. “Perhaps.”
    “Then it doesn’t count.”
    “But it has to,” he insisted.
    “Because.” He bent over and placed a gentle kiss on my mouth, and my heart literally stopped beating for at least a second. Maybe two. “I love you, Shayne. I love you so much I can’t imagine spending another day without seeing your face or hearing your voice. I don’t deserve you. Not after all the hell I’ve put you through. I’m still scared. I’m terrified you’ll leave me like my ex-wife or die like my mother. My mother killed herself. And I spent the past nine months learning how to accept that her suicide wasn’t my fault. I’m still afraid. But I have no choice anymore. I can’t live without you for another minute. I. Just. Can’t. I ask, I beg , for you to accept the love I have to give, knowing I will spend the rest of my life trying to deserve your love in return. You have done so much more for me than I’ve ever done for you. You’ve saved my life. Not just that once, by the river. But every day when you give me your love. In a way I’m being selfish, asking for this. But I swear, if you say yes, I will make sure, every day, you aren’t sorry.” He slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out a ring box. He lifted the lid, and the sparkle of the enormous diamond set in the simple band caught the light, nearly blinding me. Tears turned the room, including Kent’s hope-filled face, into a blurry mess of smeared colors, and I blinked several times.
    He loved me. At last I had the loving man I was hoping for.
    “What are you waiting for?” Ransom screeched, bouncing up and down. “Say yes, girl Or I’ll freaking marry him!”
    I inhaled. Exhaled. “Yes, Kent. Yes. I’ll marry you.”
    I watched Kent slide the ring onto my left ring finger then was piled on by an ecstatic mother and best friend before Kent and I could seal the

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