Stepbrother: Moving In/Moving Out

Stepbrother: Moving In/Moving Out by Tabatha Kiss

Book: Stepbrother: Moving In/Moving Out by Tabatha Kiss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tabatha Kiss
Chapter 1
    “Make yourself at home, baby!”
    I look around the living room and regret thinking this was a good idea. “Yep,” I say. “Two college guys definitely live here together.” Clothes are piled up on the couch and dishes have been stacked up by the sink. I detect the faintest stench of body odor in the air.
    Carter looks around the room. “What?” he asks with a confused glance.
    “Nothing,” I say as I set my suitcase down. I step closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist. “Thanks again for letting me stay here for awhile.”
    “Hey — all the free sex I want, whenever I want? What kind of man would pass that up?” he asks.
    I pull away with a smile. “Excuse me?” I ask.
    He kisses my forehead. “I’m just kidding!” he says. “You know I’m just playing around, right?”
    “Of course,” I say. I kiss him on the lips. “And you’re sure Seth doesn’t mind?”
    “Yeah—” he says with a shrug. “I mean… he did say some things, but…”
    I take a step back and cross my arms. “What did he say?” I ask in frustration.
    He brushes a hand through the air. “Don’t worry about it, Mina.”
    “No, Carter,” I say. “What did he say?”
    “He… just thinks it’ll be weird, that’s all.”
    I sigh. “Dammit, Carter, why didn’t you tell me?”
    “Because it’s not a big deal,” he says. “I swear, I’ve never seen a brother and sister fight as much as you two do.”
    “He’s my stepbrother ,” I say. “We’ve just never gotten along, that’s all.”
    “What did you guys do to each other that was so wrong?”
    “Nothing,” I say. “He’s just… always hated me.”
    “Well…” Carter steps towards me again. “He’s my friend. But you’re my girlfriend , so I’ll take your side in all battles while you’re staying here, if you want.”
    I smile. “That would be just fine,” I say. I pop up on my tippy toes and kiss Carter on the lips.
    He moans to show his satisfaction. “Now…” he begins. “About that free sex…”
    “You mean the free sex that was in no way guaranteed in this agreement? That free sex?” I joke.
    “Yeah… that free sex…” He leans over and offers me a firm kiss.
    “Where’s Seth?” I ask between kisses.
    “He’s at class…” Carter answers, pulling me closer. “He shouldn’t be back for a few hours. Instead of free sex, I’d be willing to negotiate some welcome home sex, if that’s what you’re into.”
    I giggle as his lips find my ear. A sharp tickle travels down my back. “Perhaps…” I breathe.
    Carter grips my hand and pulls me across the living room. I nearly trip on the random objects scattered along the floor, but I easily keep myself upright by sliding my other hand on the wall.
    “Careful, Carter!” I shout through laughter.
    He yanks me into his room and closes the door behind us. “I can’t help it,” he says as he peels my jacket off. “I’m just so excited to have you here.”
    “Yeah,” I say. My hands fish inside his trousers. “Me, too.”
    We collapse onto the bed together. I push him onto his back and straddle his waist. His swollen member presses against my mound, trapped behind his pants. He bites his lips, smiling as I grind my pelvis against his, awakening my own passions with each purposeful rub.
    “Oh, Mina…” he coos. “I can get used to this.”
    I slide down his body and plant my knees on his floor. My fingers reach for his belt and I slide it off his body, licking my lips, longing for a taste of him.
    “Yep…” he moans.
    I pull his boxers down to the floor.
    “I can definitely get used to this.”
    Carter groans in ecstasy as my lips glide across his thick crown.
    I open the refrigerator and reach inside to grab a bottle of water. Spending the afternoon in Carter’s bed always drains the energy out of me and I find myself begging for thirst after a few sessions. As I bring the bottle to my lips, I hear a set of keys shaking in the

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