Stepbrother JEEZ! (The Stepbrother Romance Series - Book #4)

Stepbrother JEEZ! (The Stepbrother Romance Series - Book #4) by Claire Adams

Book: Stepbrother JEEZ! (The Stepbrother Romance Series - Book #4) by Claire Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Adams
Stepbrother Romance Series Book #4
Claire Adams

book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are
products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not
to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual
events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

© 2015 Claire Adams

Each of My Newly Released Books for 99 Cents By Clicking Here

    Read Part 1, Stepbrother WOW –
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    Read Part 2, Stepbrother OMG –
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    Read Part 3, Stepbrother HOT –
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    I had thought all during the holiday week that
everything would get better once I got back to school; I could forget the whole
horrific mess of Jaxon being my step-brother, of my mom walking in on me and
him together, the whole messy, screwed up situation. I believed that once I got
back to school, everything would go back to normal. I’d hoped.
    But once I got back onto campus and pulled into my
usual spot in the student lot, I realized that it wasn’t going to get any better.
It was probably going to get worse. I’d told Jaxon that I didn’t want to have
anything to do with him, I’d freaked out—but I couldn’t exactly feel guilty
about that. I think anyone in my position would have reacted the same way. But
just because I had told him I didn’t want to have anything to do with him
anymore, it didn’t mean I had suddenly lost all feelings for him. I knew better
than that.
    The whole time I’d been driving from his dad’s house
back to campus I’d been thinking about him; stupid songs on the stereo made me
think about the messed up situation. Even if I turned off the stereo, I still
thought about him. About the way he and his dad had fought, about the way it
felt being with him, the sight of my mom standing in the doorway with complete
shock on her face, the way she’d refused to talk about the situation. I thought
about the first time Jaxon and I had been together, and every time since then.
I thought about how much I wanted to have sex with him again—and how disgusted
I was at the fact that I could actually think about that.
    Jaxon was such a big part of my life before the
stupid mess with our parents happened; even before we’d had sex, he walked me
to classes, hung out with me, tutored me, and we were on the same team,
training and practicing together. As I unpacked all my dirty laundry to wash it
in the dorms, the only way out of the situation I could think of was to
completely end my social life with the frat until I’d somehow managed to get
over Jaxon—however long that would take. I knew from the holiday that I
couldn’t let myself be alone with him for more than a few minutes without one
of us making a move—the tryst by the pool was proof of that. I couldn’t trust
him to go away rather than act on impulse; I couldn’t even trust myself. If
Jaxon showed up at my door it would have been impossible for me to make him go
away. So the only solution was to stay away from him myself.
    I couldn’t even imagine what could be worse: being
Jaxon’s sister or living completely without him. Knowing that we’d be spending
the rest of the time we were brother and sister lusting after each other
bothered the hell out of me; I didn’t even need Bob’s judgment that it was
disgusting to know that there was something really wrong with being attracted
to your brother—even a stepbrother. It was just flat-out wrong.

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