Step Brother: Off Limits

Step Brother: Off Limits by Jayna King

Book: Step Brother: Off Limits by Jayna King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayna King
Tags: Romance
said, digging in to her dinner.
    “So how’s the campaign going?” I asked Stanford, figuring he was the least likely person to bite my head off.
    He launched into a passionate answer that I really didn’t care a whole lot about. I let him prattle on while I studied Tatum. Her blonde hair drying in its natural waves was a far cry from the teased, colored, and shellacked hairstyles of the women I’d been hanging with on the tour. The light golden color of her skin didn’t come from a tanning bed, but from the sun. Without a trace of makeup, she was one of the most naturally beautiful women I’d ever laid eyes on. All the porn stars in the world couldn’t surpass her.
    The rest of dinner passed in conversation among Tatum, Stanford, and Garrett. Any attempts by the guys to bring me into the discussion were quashed by her, and I was patient enough to let things play out slowly.
    She and I were going to have it out, one way or another.
    “You sure you don’t mind doing the dishes?” Garrett asked on his way out the door.
    “My pleasure. Anything to get this lovely lady alone for a while. Thanks for letting me crash your dinner, by the way.”
    “Anytime,” he answered, ignoring Tatum’s glare.
    “So,” I said, turning to her. “You mind drying?” I tossed her a dish towel.
    She let it fall to the floor, making no attempt to catch it. “What the hell, Reed?” she asked.
    For a second, I thought she was going to cry, but she didn’t. “Tatum, you have no idea how good it is to see you. I really did miss you.”
    “Yeah, I got your text. Shortly after I saw the pictures of you and the whores you were with in Paris. You didn’t exactly look miserable.”
    I looked at her and did my best to smother a laugh. “I wasn’t miserable, until I realized how much I missed you and how much I would rather be right here with you than at the craziest club parties in the world.”
    Tatum snorted and turned to clear the table.
    I reached out and grabbed her arm. “Listen to me, Tatum. I’m here because I want to be with you. Whatever that means, and whatever it takes, you’re the only woman in the world I want.”
    “Really?” she asked, trying to pull away from me. “How can you say that? I saw you laughing and drinking. You looked like you were having the time of your life.”
    I pulled her close to me. “None of that meant anything without you. I left. Gave back the money, canceled all my appointments, and just left.”
    “And now I’m supposed to drop everything and fall into bed with you? Just because you show up at my door? Who the fuck do you think you are?”
    I was starting to get pissed, and I wanted her desperately. I leaned down and kissed her hard, holding her in place even though she tried to back up. “I’m the man who’s in love with you. That’s who I am.”
    “Jesus Fucking Christ,” she yelled, finally managing to get free. “You’re in love with me. Shall I take off my clothes and suck your dick now?”
    I laughed out loud. “You have no idea how much I want you to suck my dick, Tatum. I want to tear those clothes off you and take you to bed for the next week straight. I want to fuck you so hard you can’t even think about walking straight, and then I want to do it again.” I walked toward her and took her hand. “But this isn’t just about sex, babe. This is about me telling you I love you. I will do whatever it takes for us to be together.”
    “How can you say you love me when there are all those pictures of you and those women?” She had actually started to cry.
    “Tatum, those were publicity pics. Yes, I hung out with a lot of women. Yes, I could have fucked any number of them, but I didn’t. I told you I wouldn’t have sex with anyone else, and I didn’t.” I pulled her closer, glad she didn’t resist this time. I slid my hands around her hips and pulled her close enough that I was certain she could feel my erection through my jeans. “Tatum, you’re the only one I

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