Stealing Home

Stealing Home by Ellen Schwartz

Book: Stealing Home by Ellen Schwartz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellen Schwartz
green …” Zeyde clapped in rhythm, his face alight. Joey gaped. This sure wasn’t the Zeyde he knew.
    With a loud screech, the music ended, and the bottom of the first inning was underway.
    “Now you’ll see our bats talking!” said Bobbie.
    In quick order, two Dodgers singled, putting runners on first and second.
    Bobbie smiled triumphantly. “What do you say now, mister?”
    Leaning back in his chair, Joey folded his arms. “Check with me in nine innings.”
    The next batter flied out, but Eddie Stanky, the second baseman, walked.
    Bases loaded with one out,
Barber said. A hush fell over the crowd.
Next up is Bruce Edwards, the catcher. Here’s the windup. A fastball. Edwards chops it. Brazle has it, he
fires to first, there’s ’one out. Stan Musial throws home. Garagiola, tags, beating the runnuh. It’s a double play for the Cardinals to end the inning.
    Bobbie groaned. Zeyde groaned. The crowd groaned. The street groaned.
    And at the end of the first inning, no runs, two hits, no erruhs, and the Dodgers leave three runnuhs on base. And now, a word from our sponsor.
    “Next inning” Bobbie said. “You 11 see.”
    Joey just smiled.
    In the top of the second, the Cardinals scored two runs. Then, leading off for Brooklyn in the bottom of the second, PeeWee Reese doubled, and the street rang with hurrahs.
    That brings up the first baseman, Jackie Robinson,
Barber said. Amid the cheers came shouts of “Nigger!” followed by booing.
The St. Louis players are riding Robinson something fierce as he makes his way to the plate.
    “Jerks,” Bobbie snapped, and Joey silently agreed. Poor Jackie, putting up with all that crap.
    Robinson pays no notice. He’s all concentration out theah. Brazle goes into his motion. Robinson swings – it’s a line drive to center. Reese is on his way to third… safe! It’s a single for Robinson.
    “Yay!” Bobbie and Zeyde cried.
    That brings up Gene Hermanski, the third baseman. Runners on first and third. Robinson takes a lead, one step,
another…. Oh, the crowd’s humming, they want Robinson to steal
    Joey found himself leaning forward, along with Zeyde and Bobbie, spurring Robinson on.
    Brazle throws a fastball… and theah goes Robinson! The catcher’s got the ball… and heah’s the throw
– Joey’s breath held.
Not in time! Robinson’s safe at second and the fans are on their feet. My, oh my, that’s the sixteenth stolen base of the season for the talented young rookie!
    A grin creased Joey’s face. He wiped it off before Bobbie saw.
    Robinson’s steal seemed to ignite the Dodgers. In the top of the third, they held the Cardinals scoreless, then scored three runs in their half of the inning. By the top of the sixth, Brooklyn led, four to two.
    “What’d I tell you!” Bobbie said.
    With the Cardinals trailing, the leadoff batter is Enos Slaughter. He takes the first pitch, low and inside. Ball one… Slaughter has been very vocal about his opposition to a Negro being allowed to play in the National League…. Heah’s Branca’s second pitch. Slaughter fouls it back, out of play…. He’s been baiting Robinson every time he gets near him. Branca delivers a fastball. Slaughter swings, it’s a chopper to second. Stanky runs it down, makes the throw to first. Robinson reaches for the ball, Slaughter starts sliding, his foot comes up – oh my, he kicked Robinson! Enos Slaughter
has deliberately spiked Jackie Robinson! Robinsons down

    “What!” Bobbie shouted.
    What a shameful spectacle.
Red Barber sounded distressed. Behind him, the crowd roared in outrage. Joey felt outraged, too. Of all the cowardly, disgusting things! Calling names was bad, and throwing a cat on the field was worse, but purposely hurting another player was
    Robinsons on his feet. He’s obviously in pain. It looks like Slaughter’s taunting him, but Robinson, of course, can’t do anything, because of his promise to Mr. Rickey. But Robinson is not happy, no

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