Stealing Grace

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Book: Stealing Grace by Shelby Fallon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelby Fallon
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the full force of his gaze. This was a serious question for him. He was worried about her happiness. “I won’t lie. I don’t like living here, in the community. I don’t like what they do here but I like being with you. I’m happy with you.”
    “You’re sure? Don’t tell me you are just to please me.”
    “I’m not. I’m very happy with you, Alex. And you’re really good to me.”
    He smiled and smirked playfully.
    “So, it’s not so bad being a Smithe?”
    “Not at all.”
    “Good,” he said and blew out a long breath.
    Even thought he was joking around, she wasn’t entirely sure he believed what she said.

    * * *

    That night after supper, Elena contemplated something. It was something she’d been thinking and fretting about for a couple weeks now. She could tell...if she was really, really honest with herself, that she was in love with him. She was.
    Fact was also that they were married. And though Alex was the dictionary description of a gentleman and would never try anything, she knew he had to be wondering when they’d make their marriage official. Elena sure had.
    She didn’t want to wait any longer. She decided that even if she was told she could leave tomorrow, she couldn’t and wouldn’t go. Alex meant too much to her now to do that. She hoped he felt the same about her. She’d find out tonight, if she could muster up the gumption.
    She decided to go straight to the bathroom and shower without talking about watching movies or reading books tonight. She showered and then lit two candles by the bed he’d gotten her on one of their shopping trips. ‘Trip’ was exaggerating a little. Maybe skip and a hop was more accurate.
    She put on a pink camisole and her matching boy short underwear. She looked at herself in the mirror and had to take a breath. She never thought she’d get the chance to be a seductress. She didn’t know if she’d be any good at it, if he’d respond to it. Then she panicked. On no. What if he doesn’t want this? What if he turns me down? What if he thinks I’m silly? He knows I’m a virgin, it’s a guideline for the community. Why hasn’t he made a move at all? Maybe he’s not interested in doing that. That would make it really official, wouldn’t it? Ugh.
    She was just about to chicken out and change into her pajama pants when he entered the room and saw her, standing there in front of the mirror, pink cami and undies and nothing else.
    “Oh.” His mouth gaped open and he let his eyes travel her body, head to toe. He looked like he liked what he saw, then quickly turned. “I’m sorry. I should have knocked.”
    That gave her the courage she needed and she approached him. She wrapped her arms around his chest from behind and whispered in his ear.
    “Come to bed.”
    He turned his head to look at her over his shoulder. He looked at her intensely. He frowned slightly and then just looked puzzled.
    “Elena. Um...” he mumbled.
    “Please, come to bed with me. I’m not really in the mood for a movie tonight.”
    “Ok,” he said reluctantly. “Let me change,” he said huskily.
    He grabbed some clothes from the drawers and walked briskly to the bathroom. Elena climbed under the covers. She didn’t sprawl herself out trying to be sexy. She didn’t position herself so his eyes would bulge when he saw her. She had no idea what was sexy and what was just silly.
    She laid half way on his pillow and waited for him to come back. She could hear the cicadas out the window. She wished there was a radio in the room but once again, she didn’t want to put on a show of romance or sexiness. She just wanted him to know she was ready. If he wasn’t, well...they’d cross that bridge when they got there. Hopefully it would be in five minutes, Elena thought.
    She saw the bathroom light spill into the room from the hallway and then disappear. Then he was standing in the doorway wearing nothing but pajama pants, looking bashful and uncertain. He cleared his throat and

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