Star Wars - A Grand Admiral Returns

Star Wars - A Grand Admiral Returns by Bill Slavicsek Page B

Book: Star Wars - A Grand Admiral Returns by Bill Slavicsek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill Slavicsek
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first piece of his puzzle on the planet Myrkr. Here, he secured tiny creatures called ysalamiri. These creatures have a unique ability which pushes back the Force and renders Jedi powerless.
    The second piece was found on a planet called Wayland. Here, Thrawn located one of the Emperor’s personal storehouses. He needed the ysalamiri to get past the Dark Jedi left to guard the storehouse hidden deep within Mount Tantiss. Through the defensive position provided by the ysalamiri, Thrawn was able to gain an added bonus — the services of the Dark Jedi Joruus C’baoth.
    In the storehouse, Thrawn found the items he hoped for. With these bits of technology, he would be able to secure his much-needed ships and soldiers. The items, a working cloaking shield and a number of Spaarti cylinders (whose purpose has yet to be revealed), and the powers of a Dark Jedi, have given Thrawn the impetus to set his final campaign into motion.
    Thrawn has inherited the services of the Emperor’s private Death Commandos, the alien hunting machines called the Noghri. He sends teams of the deadly beings on strike missions which require ruthlessness, skill, and stealth. The Noghri, Rukh, serves as Thrawn’s personal body guard.
    Thrawn has also managed to place a spy within the New Republic’s headquarters in Imperial City. Through this spy, Thrawn often knows the moves of the Rebels before they have been decided.
    The New Republic is never referred to as such in Thrawn’s presence. It is simply the Rebellion, and its members are nothing more than Rebels. To call them anything else would be to grant them a legitimacy they do not deserve. To his thinking, they are traitors and criminals. They deserve the full and unyielding punishment of the Empire, which Thrawn believes he will finally deliver unto them.
    Thrawn’s base of operations is the Star Destroyer Chimaera . While Captain Pellaeon nominally commands the ship, Thrawn commands the entire fleet from his Admiral’s Chair on the bridge and in his command room. Thrawn had the ship’s commander’s luxury and entertainment suite turned into his private meditation chamber and command post. He can often be found sitting in his chair, surrounded by holographic representations of the galaxy’s greatest art treasures. He studies these works, trying to find solutions to the problems facing him and his command. Though most of these pieces of art are merely hologram copies, one piece is real. The sculpture, sitting alone in a globe of light, writhes upon its pedestal like a wave in some bizarre alien ocean. It represents one of the Warlord’s few failures. He was unable to gain understanding of its creators, a species living on a Fringe world. They refused to respond the way he expected them to. Because of this, he destroyed them.
    The preliminary action to Thrawn’s campaign against the Rebellion began at Sluis Van. Through circumstances of his own making, the Rebels amassed a fleet of star cruisers at the system’s shipyards — star cruisers the Grand Admiral meant to steal. Only the untimely arrival of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo foiled Thrawn’s plans and kept the ships out of the Empire’s grasp. This victory has slowed down Thrawn’s campaign, but it has not ended it. Thrawn is not merely a soldier, but he is a true warrior. His red eyes are not set on personal glory, but on the final goal. Perhaps, because of this trait, he is destined to succeed where so many Imperials have failed. His campaign continues …

Grand Admiral Thrawn Roleplaying Game Statistics

    Template Type: Imperial Grand Admiral
    Loyalty: To the Empire
    Height: 1.8 meters
    Species: Unknown
    Sex: Male
    Homeworld: Unknown
    Age: Unknown
    Quote: “Learn about art. When you understand a species’ art, you understand that species.”
    Blaster 9D+1, brawling parry 6D, dodge 9D, grenade 7D+1, heavy weapons 8D+1, melee 8D+2, melee parry 8D+1
    3D+1 Alien races 11D+1, bureaucracy 12D+1, cultures

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