Star Wars - A Grand Admiral Returns

Star Wars - A Grand Admiral Returns by Bill Slavicsek Page A

Book: Star Wars - A Grand Admiral Returns by Bill Slavicsek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill Slavicsek
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convinced Pellaeon that this man was a high-ranking Imperial. His voice was not loud, but it was strong, and it vibrated with the tones of command.
    “I am Grand Admiral Thrawn,” the hologram informed him. “I have been away, but now I have returned. I know some of what has occurred. You will fill in the details of the rest when I come aboard. Rejoice, Captain, for the Empire will rise again. You will find astrogation coordinates that have been encoded with this transmission. I will await your arrival.”
    And now Pellaeon was waiting on the frontier for the Grand Admiral to arrive. His fears and concerns were gone. Now there was just the thrill of glories past and the promise of glories to come, personified in a Grand Admiral named Thrawn and carried aboard a shuttle flying out of the Unknown and into the Chimaera’s hangar bays.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
    Once, twelve Grand Admirals served as the Emperor’s military commanders. Today, five years after the bitter defeat of the Fleet at Endor, only one of these august geniuses remains — Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn is a tall man of regal bearing, but his alien features reveal that he is not entirely of human origin. He has shimmering blue-black hair and pale blue skin. He has glowing red eyes that seem as menacing, in their own way, as the inscrutable, emotionless face mask of Darth Vader once did.
    Thrawn had spent much of his career in the Unknown Regions. He was charged with the task of bringing the barbaric worlds and systems under Imperial control. His brilliant successes eventually won him the title of Warlord and the right to wear the white uniform of a Grand Admiral. Knowing the Emperor’s discrimination against nonhumans, this appointment was doubly impressive. Thrawn became the only alien to be admitted into the Grand Admiral brotherhood. It should be noted that Thrawn’s species and homeworld are unknown. While rumors of where the Emperor found him have been wide and varied, the truth has remained Thrawn’s secret, as has most other information regarding Palpatine’s Grand Admirals.
    The Warlord is a military genius. He has a very flexible mind, which allows him to find correlations in seemingly unconnected information, and respond effectively to rapidly changing situations. In addition, Thrawn knows almost every tactic and response taught either in the Imperial Academy or the Rebel training centers. He has the ability to twist this knowledge to his own ends, often pulling stunning victories out of certain defeat. He rarely take the most obvious approach to a problem or situation, but instead relies upon his powers of observation, his remarkable intuition, and his masterful powers of reasoning to find a weakness and pursue that avenue. In addition to being highly intelligent, he is tenacious and patient, able to wait out a situation for the optimal moment for action. However, as evidenced following Joruus C’baoth’s actions, even his patience has limits.
    The Grand Admiral has a passion for art. He studies the art of the galaxy’s varied species, for he believes that by understanding a species’ art one gains understanding of the species. And understanding is crucial to the art of subjugation and control.
    Thrawn returned from the Unknown Regions to find his beloved Emperor dead, his New Order in ruin, and his Empire on the verge of total defeat. He used his considerable skills and command ability to rally the remnants and gather them back into a cohesive fighting unit. He knew he needed two things to defeat the Rebellion and restore the glory of the New Order, and once his Fleet was again in shape, he set out to secure these things. He needs ships and soldiers in order to build a force capable of beating the Rebel fleet. But the means to both of these key items remains a puzzle. He loves puzzles, and he is currently hard at work on the only puzzle worth solving — the complete, total and utter destruction of the Rebellion.
    The Grand Admiral found the

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