Star Cruise: Marooned

Star Cruise: Marooned by Veronica Scott

Book: Star Cruise: Marooned by Veronica Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Scott
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my voice was good enough to merit professional training.” She had a rueful smile. “I was an asset, you understand? I entertained at some of his charity galas—he supported the school with scholarships. And paid my tuition, of course. I met Peter while we were making the arrangements for the various charity events and the concerts, and well, one thing led to another. This cruise was supposed to be our delayed honeymoon.”
    “I’m a lucky man.” Mr. Bettis straightened his back and raised his chin.  
    “Not to dampen the mood—because I enjoyed the song as much as the birds did,” said Red. “A rare treat. But we need to move out. Save your breath, Ma’am, and perhaps you can sing us a concert once we’re safe at the research facility.”
    “Of course.” Basking in their praise, Callina was as happy as Meg had ever seen her.
    Twice more that morning, however, the sky darkened overhead and the Shemdylann shuttle made another pass in their area.
    “This isn’t good,” Red said. “I think they’re reading something on their scanners here, despite interference from the vegetation. We’re probably lucky Crxtahl is sailing under direct orders from the Mawreg overlords. His bosses won’t want him to linger on this planet, and won’t appreciate him scorching the forest to ash, wasting armament trying to swat flies with a flame thrower.”
    Meg stared at him. “Would the Shemdylann destroy the rain forest? Just to keep the five of us from escaping?”
    “In a heartbeat.” Eyebrows raised, Red seemed surprised at her astonishment. “Intergalactic war isn’t a game. It’s played for keeps on a grand scale. We’ve burned off entire planets and so has the other side. And I’m afraid the commander’s considerable ego is involved, since he’s got a ship searching for us. Shemdylann attain and keep rank through ruthless success, and defeating constant challenges from ambitious subordinates. He can’t afford to be seen as weak. I was hoping he’d be smart enough to deflect criticism from his troops for losing us, but when were the Shemdylann ever big thinkers?”
    Wondering if she’d ever find out more about the experiences he’d endured in his years of service, she said nothing. He seemed so well versed on the enemy.
    “You four stay here and be ready to move when I say so.” Drawing the blaster, Red ran at full speed in the direction they’d come.
    “What’s he doing?” Callina asked.
    “I have no idea.” Meg was as puzzled as the others, but she was grateful for a chance to rest.  
    Moments later, a terrible shrieking filled the air, coming from the same direction Red had gone. At the same moment, the Shemdylann ship drifted by for the fourth time, close to the treetops, which were another hundred feet or so above Meg’s head. She cringed, as if making herself smaller would save her from detection by the enemy. The noise in the trees came closer and she worried about what kind of threat might be approaching. Hands over her ears to block the yelling, which seemed to be from a large number of creatures, she hunkered down.
    “Shouldn’t we get out of here?” Mr. Bettis shouted, arms locked around his terrified wife. “Whatever’s moving this way sounds worse than the Shemdylann. And the threat is here in the trees with us right this minute.”
    Meg shook her head. “Red said to wait here.”
    “You’re in command, not him,” Bettis said, pointing his finger at her.
    She glared until he averted his eyes. “And I trust his combat skills. Stay here as ordered.”
    “Fuck this, you fools can wait here to see what’s about to overrun us, I’m moving out.” Trever sprinted away from them, running full tilt along a sturdy branch. “Every man for himself today.”
    Frustrated, Meg turned away. She couldn’t abandon the others to chase him. He’d made his choice, and she hoped he wouldn’t regret it.
    Mouth open in surprise, Callina stood, pointing. “Lords of Space, it’s some sort of

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