Star Crossed Hurricane

Star Crossed Hurricane by Wendy Knight

Book: Star Crossed Hurricane by Wendy Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Knight
was that they were between her and the door.
    Run. Run. Run. Run. Run.
    “Beckett, she was cold. I’m pretty sure she had hypothermia—”
    “Don’t give me that shit. If she was cold, why the hell didn’t she get some clothes on? She looks like a damn prostitute!”
    Savannah’s head jerked up as embarrassed tears formed behind her eyelids. This was Beckett’s trick, the way he won every fight. He belittled her and when that didn’t work, he attacked directly.
    Sawyer shoved Beckett away from her.”Don’t, Beck. Or you. Will. Regret. It.”
    “It’s not like he keeps women’s clothing in his bag, Beckett. What was she supposed to wear?” Liam asked, also blocking Savannah from Beckett’s view.
    “Then you should have taken her home! It’s like forty steps to her room, Sawyer!”
    “I couldn’t take her home!” Sawyer started to raise his voice, and then fought to bring it back down. “There was no one there, Beckett. She was hurt and she was freezing. I took care of her.”
    “Yeah, I’ll bet you did. You’re my best friend, Sawyer. Was it fun, playing house in that big old mansion all night long? Was she good for you, Sawyer? Because remember this, next time you’re screwing my girlfriend. Everything she’s doing with you, I taught her.”
    Sawyer’s hand clenched into a fist. Liam pushed him back, situating himself firmly between them. “Beckett, they were stranded because of the storm—”
    Beckett ignored Liam, instead leaning around so he could yell directly at Sawyer. “Yeah, you had no problem going after her, did you? The mighty Sawyer to the rescue!”
    “You wouldn’t go, you asshole! Both times she’s been in trouble, you sat on your butt and did nothing.” Sawyer was quickly losing his grip on calm and collected.
    “Because she deserved what she got. If she’s stupid enough to go running off alone, then let her figure her way out of it. It makes her strong.”
    “Dude, that’s cold,” Liam said, shaking his head. “Stop being such a jerk and listen to Sawyer. He’s never touched her.”
    “Never touched her? What about every time I turn around? Every time I blink, your hands are on her. She’s mine, Sawyer! Not yours!” Beckett dodged around Liam, and without warning, he swung. Savannah screeched, Sawyer ducked, and Beckett missed completely, whirling himself into a heap on the floor. “Oh, is that funny, Savannah? How was he? Was he good? Did you think of me while he was—”
    “Shut. Up. Beckett.” She was as surprised by her own voice as any of them. The door was front and center, but instead of running, she swung around, stalking into the room as he struggled to his feet. “It’s not Sawyer’s fault you’re out a girlfriend, you stupid jerk. I dumped you on your ass because you treated me like crap. I kept you as a friend because I felt bad for you, but you know what, I should have felt bad for me — for having to put up with you for two years. Sawyer. Is. Not. The. Problem. You are.” She turned around attempting to storm away. She made it halfway to the door before he stupidly opened his mouth.
    “You’ll pay for this, Sawyer. I’m gonna ruin your life—”
    Savannah had never hit someone before in her life. But her fist found its way to his jaw and she didn’t even feel the pain of connection, only satisfaction as he tumbled backward, stunned. He crashed into the TV stand and fell to the floor. “We are done, Beckett.”
    She stood, chest heaving, slightly lightheaded and starving, staring at Sawyer. She waited for him to do something, say something — anything, but he only stared back, eyes tortured.
    Beckett means more to him than I do.
    “Okay.” She nodded, fighting tears, and backed out of the room. “Okay. I got it. I’m done.”

    “ S AVANNAH! W E’VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE for you!” Coach Andrus caught her as Savannah attempted to race by, crushing her in a terrified hug. “Your parents are worried sick. We

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