Star Bright

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Book: Star Bright by Christina Ow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Ow
Tags: Drama, Fiction, thriller, christina ow
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just walk in and walk
out with Michael and she wasn’t willing to take that chance. She’d
have to look for a less expensive private school, of course with
tight security. She’d also have to give both their real names, it
was about time they stopped lying about that. It had been two
months and Ricky hadn’t come after them, according to Edna he was
nowhere near New York.
    “ I’ll think of
something, in the mean time someone’s turning five in October,” She
picked him up and cradled him against her, “You’ve grown so fast.”
“Mama, I’m not done eating,” Michael pulled out of her embrace and
went back to his food, “Grandma is coming for my birthday, she said
she’s bringing someone.”
    “ Who? Jane?”
Maria would love to see her best friend.
    She wanted to see a
friendly faced Jane and take a break from the surly one. New York
Jane really pulled off the fake smile. The first time they met
Maria thought she was pleasant, but she turned out to be a failed
actress who complained day in, and day out. A fake producer had
gotten her to sleep with him so that she could land a part in a
movie. In the end, she was left with a baby and no movie. She had
resented him for that, but the good thing was, she didn’t resent
Julie, she says she is the only good thing that came out of her
acting dream.
    Michael gave up trying to
twist the spaghetti and began spooning and holding it with his
fingers so that it won’t slip off the fork, “No, a man.”
    Maria thought of all the
men her mother knew, but she couldn’t come up with anyone who her
mother would risk him knowing their hide out. She highly doubted it
was Miguel, why would he turn up now after twenty years, the only
reasonable person was Nate, and he probably wants to make sure they
were doing fine.

Chapter Nine
    Dave had the locks
changed early that morning. He wanted to make sure Amy didn’t get
into the house. He placed all her things in suitcases and bags and
placed them in the garage. He wanted to leave them in the middle of
the street, but if she sued him she would only get more money out
of him, which he didn’t intend on giving. It was time one of her
lovers took care of her expenses.
    He hadn’t intended on
leaving the house that day, but he ended up driving to the cafe
opposite his office building. Paula’s secretive nature pulled at
him. It was like one of his impossible cases, and he loved a
challenge. Deciphering her would be a challenge he knew he would
like. He wasn’t after starting a relationship with her, but a
friendship with a fellow over protective parent, and the woman who
made his food and coffee, he should get to know her.
    He pulled into his
parking spot and took Elizabeth out of her car seat. If it got too
awkward he could always say Lizzy wanted to see her. He looked at
his watch, it was midday. He thought of popping into the office for
a few minutes, but decided against it. If he went in, he would most
definitely get roped into a case on his day off, instead he would
go to the day care and pick up Miguel.
    He had done his homework
on Paula and Miguel, but there wasn’t much he could get about them,
apart from her work place and his day care. He found hundreds of
Michaels, but he narrowed his search to the west because of her
accent, and the list was cut down to thirty one, but they were
Caucasian, these Michaels only existed once they set foot in New
York, and there was nothing else before that, that’s what spiked
his curiosity about them. The first thing he thought was that they
were illegal immigrants, but Paula’s accent was western, not
heavily, but it was noticeable, probably because of the months they
had already spent in New York. Dave was determined to know more
about them.
    He opened the colorful
doors to the day care center and stepped in. A stoutly nurse
approached him and extended her arms for Elizabeth, “I’m not
dropping off, rather I’m picking up.” he said with a
    The nurse looked at

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