Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants by Steven Brooks

Book: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants by Steven Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven Brooks
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foundation and the Holy Spirit as our guide we can discern the true from the false and not be in fear of the unknown realms of spiritual truth.
    I’d like to share an interesting note about the medium of Endor. This woman lived in Endor, which is a town located in Issachar but assigned to Manasseh’s possession. This town canstill be seen today about four miles south of Mount Tabor. This woman practiced in the occult and was enslaved to spiritual darkness. Unless she repented and turned from her sins to God, she would have died and gone to hell. There’s something I’ve noticed about many of these people in New Age and psychic groups that can be observed. There’s no question that many of them are “gifted” by having an inclination toward things that are spiritual. The only problem is that they are deceived by the devil and they operate in the kingdom of darkness. Why do many of these people have such a strong attraction to the spiritual realm? The answer—because many of them are called to the prophetic ministry and they don’t know it.
    I’ve seen it over and over again. A dear friend of mine who has a powerful prophetic ministry went to Scotland several years ago. His ancestry is Scottish of which he and his parents are very proud. While there in Scotland, he thought he would research his family genealogy, perhaps thinking he would discover that he was related to the former kings that ruled Scotland. Imagine his surprise when he discovered through well-kept books of ancient family lineage that for generations his family members were all witches! See, his family lineage just had that calling to the spirit realm. They were “wired” and drawn towards the supernatural. What does the Bible say about this?
    For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable
(Romans 11:29).
    Once God bestows a gift it is freely given and He doesn’t change His mind at a later time. Due to a lack of understanding,many of those in histories past who were called as prophets were not received or understood. Often they were labeled as witches and warlocks, when in reality they were God’s chosen vessels. Such was the case with Joan of Arc who was a prophetess and seer but was labeled a witch. This was also true of King Arthur and his well-known wizard, Merlin. The truth is that Merlin was actually the King’s prophet, but he got labeled a wizard by medieval historians who viewed miracles and all supernatural phenomena as being of the devil.
    A call to a ministry office is also a calling that usually runs down the family line. The children might not accept it but it is available nonetheless. This calling can run unbroken for generations because of an original covenant of blessing that someone made with the Lord. We hear a lot of teaching on generational curses and this teaching can help certain people overcome troubling barriers consisting of bad habits and addictions. However, I choose to focus much more highly on generational blessings, which unfortunately we hear much less teaching on.
    The majority of those who are known as popular rock and pop musicians are called by God to be worship leaders. Many who are on the street running drugs and organizing vast networks of complex drug trafficking that net millions of dollars are called to the apostolic ministry. Without Christ, people don’t understand their gifting or their purpose. We must help them fulfill their destiny that can only be understood through salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Padre Pio (1887-1968) and Maria Esperanza —Padre Pio is one of those saints whose life I always greatly enjoy reading about. Although unknown to many in the western Church, his life and ministry were still a blessing to thousands around the world. He seemed to somehow have one foot in the heavenly realm, which enabled him to connect with God, and the other foot in the earth realm, which allowed him to take care of necessary everyday ministry work.
    As a humble Capuchin

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