plan and Ben, Jamie and Bernie were part of Operation Fight Back which might ,or might NOT work. It was a risk!
Reaching across for her pen, Lily knocked her FAN-A-TIC mug. Coffee spilled across the running sheet. The taste of peppermint hadn’t calmed her. She was back to hyper caffeine. She grabbed the cry box, and dabbed tissues. This couldn’t really be happening to her!
The brown stain dripped… No, it wasn’t like brown blood. She wasn’t going to let herself think that. Not now. She was Tiger Lily, on the attack. She was not a stalker’s victim. She was a target who was going to change her position in the game.
Lowering his arm slowly, Jamie cued her in.
‘Hi to all our listeners out there. This is Lily with the hot goss. segment coming up soon. With the help of Fast Fingers Jamie on the panel who, we hope, has recovered from his Rats and Stats exam, and last night’s Body Bits quiz, we’re in business for another graveyard shift. Tonight we’re opening the talk back lines to a new topic… Stalking… these people who follow others… a little too often and too closely… Stalkers. Do they need help? The stalkers not their targets. That’s our angle for tonight. Experts on line include a lawyer, a psychologist, and a special guest. If you’re interested, or have personal questions to ask our resident psychologist, stay tuned. First, a little track from ‘Hunting Something’. Thanks Jamie.’
Jamie gave her a ‘thumbs up’ sign, and Lily took a deep breath. Maybe this challenge to ‘her’ stalker wouldn’t work, but at least she was initiating rather than just accepting.
‘Resident psychologist’ was not strictly true. Dr Z. wasn’t in the studio but had agreed to answer questions on air, via the phone. Jamie convinced her and the lawyer, at the last minute. And as long as Jamie kept pressing the right buttons on the panel, they were in business .The backing tape would record ‘her’ stalker if he rang in.
‘Thanks to Hunting Something for that stirring track. I’d like to introduce our psychologist Dr Z. who is an expert on stalking behaviours. What is stalking? Can you tell us why stalkers stalk?’
‘No easy answers to that question, Lily. Some stalkers become obsessed with their targets. Sometimes it’s a mistaken attempt to show affection. Motives might be jealousy. Resentment. Or feelings of rejection.
What makes it stalking is that it occurs repeatedly and is unwelcome. It causes physical or mental harm to the victim or arouses fear.’
Dr Z. was warming up, when Lily interrupted.
Thanks Dr Z. A little later we’ll have our legal expert and then maybe a surprise guest, but meanwhile our first caller is waiting on Line 1. Dr Z. is listening.’’
‘Hi. My name is Genny. My flat-mate is being stalked on the phone. What advice would you have for her? Her stalker is obsessed. Can’t see why she might be…but there it is…
Lily gestured madly to Jamie. ‘Genevieve! MY flatmate.’
‘Did you set this up to fill the air-time?’ Jamie asked, through her head-phones.
‘No way. Genevieve and I hardly speak to each other at home. Why would we want to talk to each other on air?’
Dr Z. was still speaking on air, unable to hear Lily’s asides.
‘It’s difficult to comment on Genny’s flatmate’s situation,’ said the psychiatrist. ‘It depends what form the stalking takes. Following, loitering, telephoning, interfering with private property, threatening… Generally there are repeated behaviours by a stalker. ‘
Sounds pretty close to my guy, thought Lily. Wonder who’d recognise themselves? Would Genevieve say anything on air that would indicate Lily was the flatmate? She hoped not. There were enough tensions tonight, without being accused on air of stacking a program.
‘Contact the police if you’re really worried,’ advised Dr Z.’ Or get some expert help.’
‘I thought you
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