SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology by Joseph P. Farrell Page A

Book: SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology by Joseph P. Farrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph P. Farrell
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point out, this dramatically increases the energy, and hence the fuel, requirements for any craft landing on the Moon’s surface and subsequently taking off again from it.
    4. This in turn raises a significant question regarding the LEM (Lunar Excursion Module) of the Apollo missions, the craft that actually landed on and then blasted off from the surface of the Moon. Many researchers have pointed out that the LEM has little blast signature from a rocket when it is taking off from the Moon to return the astronauts to the command module. This, so many say, is evidence of a hoaxed Moon shot. I do not believe this explanation to be plausible or credible. For one thing, a rocket exhaust in a vacuum leaves little visible plume. But what the lack of blast signature may also indicate, I believe, is that the rocket was not the primary lift component of the LEM. In other words, if – and it is a very considerable if - the gravity of the Moon is considerably higher than the public has been told, then this would account not only for the unusually “heavy” movements of the astronauts while on the Moon, but also would tend to indicate that the primary lift component of the LEM was not a chemical rocket at all, but another form of technology altogether. And that means a secret technology, and a significant aspect of the space program that is also secret,

    In other words, Von Braun had let something slip, something whose significance, if followed through to its logical conclusion, pointed not so much to the Apollo missions as having been hoaxed, but as having occurred by means of a science and technology vastly different from the public version.
    Von Braun’s remark plus the lack of much of a rocket blast from the LEMs when lifting off from the Moon may indicate the existence of an off the books planetary science – the Moon’s actual versus its publicly-stated gravity – and an off the books technology.
    B. Conclusions and Speculations

    A glance at the basic features of the several versions of the Two Space Programs Hypothesis is now in order:
    1. The Torbitt Version has the following features:
    (a) A worldwide network of dummy corporations exists to further and protect big oil interests. These entities are a literal “Murder Incorporated” since they are not above using assassination and other illegal methods to protect their interests;
    (b) This network is intertwined with a network of Eastern European émigré communities, which are in turn mostly the creatures of German military intelligence on the Eastern Front during World War Two, and were thus directly answerable to General Reinhard Gehlen and possibly his successors;
    (c) These business and émigré networks are intertwined with the American intelligence community via the FBI, CIA, and NASA security via the organization known as the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC) under the direction of Werner Von Braun;
    (d) By implicating Von Braun, the Torbitt Document implicates the wider Nazi connections associated with the Gehlenorg and with Operation Paperclip, though the motivations for Nazi involvement in the Kennedy assassination are never clearly spelled out. One is left to surmise that at some level the policies of the Kennedy Administration threatened some hidden technological and/or policy agenda of the space program.
    2. The Hidden Planetary Geology, Climatology, and Archaeology Version:
    (a) In any version – the “absurdist” or the more plausible models of Hoagland and others – the common feature is that NASA (and by implication the Soviets) know of artifacts on the Moon and Mars, relics of a long-lost technologically sophisticated civilization;
    (b) NASA and associated agencies have suppressed this information, or, when it is already available to the public, has attempted to sway public opinion to the view that such photographic evidence is either a “trick of light and shadow” or artifacts of faulty computer image enhancement and processing;

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