
Splurge by Summer Goldspring

Book: Splurge by Summer Goldspring Read Free Book Online
Authors: Summer Goldspring
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drink the wine, I toasted my mother, held the glass up, and then put it down in front of me.
    She knew I didn’t drink, I assumed she was just beyond crazy.
    After dinner, my mother and I made our way back to her study. She asked that I pray with her for the rest of the night. She hoped that seeing me was not a dream, not a spirit, and not the devil‘s tricks.
    It was an experience seeing my mother that way. She seemed to be transformed into some sort of prophet. She sat across from me with her bible, as she read out loud.
    My mother handed me a bible. She asked that we take turns reading passages. She said that she did this every night, and throughout most of the day.
    I thought she had become obsessed with God.
    The night was long, and the thunder storm continued. “You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery.
    Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord?” My mother said, raising her voice. I found a quote and rebutted my mother. “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.
    He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies!” I yelled.
    We continued to read passages from the bible. My mother was so serious. I interrupted my mother, as she was speaking a passage. “What happened to you mother?” I asked.
    My mother looked offended, since I interrupted her. “BLASPHEMY!” She yelled. “How dare you interrupt me!” She continued. My mother stood up in front of me. “Then once again I fell before the Lord for forty days and forty nights; I ate no bread and drank no water, because of all the sin you had committed, doing what was evil in the LORD’s site and so arousing his anger.” She said.
    My mother turned to her shelf, which had all kinds of relics and odd looking bottles of who knows what was there. She grabbed one that had holy water in it and through—it in my face! I screamed!
    My mother yelled as the water burned my face. “Be alert and sober mind! Depart from me, you who are cursed!” She yelled.
    My face felt like it was on fire I lashed out my fangs to my mother, but I did not have it in me to kill her. I ran out of the room and was chased by my mother as she continued to yell and rant quotes.
    I ran down the hall way toward the window, and crashed out of the window, with the glass exploding on impact,  into the storm. I disappeared into the darkness. I ran into the woods.
    I could hear my mother continue her rant. “The demons begged Jesus! Send us among the pigs! Heal the sick! Raise the dead! Drive out demons!” She yelled. I continued to run for my life.
    It was clear that my mother was not well, and I knew I could never go back to her. I had entered the dark forest. The storm was still strong and the winds were strong.
    I needed to feed, as I was getting hungry again. As for my face, I was a fast healer, and it would take a few days for my face to replenish back to how pretty I was.
    Chapter 12
    I missed my first love. I was searching for a new love. I was splurging while I was searching. For months, I traveled the world for new loves. I made the biggest mistake. I tried to turn them. Ryan never showed me how to turn people. It was the worst experience for me. I would fall in love, and then when I would find someone that I wanted as a companion, everything went wrong.
    I travelled to Italy and met a guy named Fabritz. He was hot! He was tall dark, perfect smile and built.
    He worked as a tour guide at a museum that I toured one day. He approached me with his big blue eyes and charming smile. I could smell his blood across the room. It was the sweetest smell, very sexy.
    We dated for a couple of weeks. He never noticed why I never came out into the sun. Most of the time I was there, it was

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