Spent - Part 1 (Spent, a New Adult Romance, MMA Series)

Spent - Part 1 (Spent, a New Adult Romance, MMA Series) by Elise Holland

Book: Spent - Part 1 (Spent, a New Adult Romance, MMA Series) by Elise Holland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elise Holland

    “My last relationship didn’t end so well,” he mutters after a long pause, “I just haven’t been able to move past it, not until I met you.”  

    I lean in closer to him, “My last relationship didn’t end so well, either,” I look up into his eyes, “We can start off slow.”

    Luke looks down at me, his copper hair glistening against the moonlight shining through the window. The look in his soft hazel eyes gives me hope, but I can also see the trepidation behind them. I hold onto him tightly, waiting for him to say the words that I hope will come out of his mouth.  

    A gentle smile slowly eases across his face, “I’d like that.”

    My racing heart begins to calm at the sound of his words. The anxiety that's been building inside of me over what he and I mean to each other slowly flutters away, leaving my tense and aching muscles some space to finally relax. Smiling up at his handsome face, I plant a tender kiss on his chin. Luke closes his eyes, a relaxing sigh escapes from his lips, bristling against my hair.  

    I move my arm off of his waist, placing my hand against his strong pec. My lips lightly brush against his jaw as they slowly ease their way down along his chest. Against my thighs, I can feel his dick quickly coming to life, letting me know that he’s enjoying my sensual touch. I smile against his neck at the sensation, continuing my path of kisses down along his collarbone.  

    When my lips reach the pec that my hand is resting upon, I stop. Sitting up in the bed, I reach for the hem of the shirt that I’m wearing and slowly ease it over my head. Luke watches me with lust filled eyes as my top slowly lifts away, revealing my ivory skin concealed underneath. His root quickly bulges against the comforter, giving me a mesmerizing display of the massive tent his pelvis is constructing along with the blanket.  

    Luke’s eyes wander down along my figure, sending electricity coursing through my veins. Slowly, I move in closer to him. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I push him down against the bed. Luke bites his bottom lip in anticipation as I straddle across his waist, resting my womanhood against his strong abs.  

    “Are you sure about this?” Luke asks as he grips my hips.  

    Leaning down, I brush my lips across his forehead. My breasts gently caress against his chin, his soft stubble tickling my bare skin. Moving his hands up along my rib cage, Luke tilts his head down and kisses along the sensitive skin between my mounds and my collar bone. Arching my head back, I run my fingers through his hair, savoring the sensation his tender lips are giving me.  

    Slowly pulling me up, Luke maneuvers me so that my nipples rest directly over his lips. The inner muscles of my sex quickly tighten, anticipating the sensation I received when his lips first caressed my breasts that night in the arena. His lips meet the peach hued bud of my left breast and clasp their soft skin around it. Moaning, I tilt my head back, soaking in every ounce of satisfaction his mouth is drawing from deep within me. My pelvis begins to gradually rock against Luke’s bare abs, impatiently waiting for his firm touch against my folds.  

    He gently sucks my nipple, sending waves of pleasure emanating throughout my aching frame. My grip against his hair tightens as his tongue flicks against the pert skin, his lips gently latched around my areola. My skin begins to flush with the heat from my desire and my panties begin to dampen.  

    I feel my orgasm quickly building, but I don’t want to come, not yet, at least. I want to draw this out and soak in as much of this delicious bliss as I possibly can. Easing my breasts away from his face, a sanguine expression is etched across his face and in response, I smile, lowering myself down to his manhood. Lacing my fingers along the elastic of his shorts, I teasingly tug at the fabric, slowly removing his pants down along his strong legs.  

    His succulent cock springs

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