Spell Checked

Spell Checked by C. G. Powell

Book: Spell Checked by C. G. Powell Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. G. Powell
get Aidan for me,” he struggled to say.
    Once again, feeling rejected, she quickly dressed and returned with Aidan.
    “I am really starting to hate the size of this place and those accursed stairs,” Aidan complained to Beck when he arrived.
    “Mae, I need you to leave and shut the door behind you.  I need a moment please!”  He did not want Mae to see him like this, his stomach cramping in pain once again.
    Mae turned around and shut the door behind her, as tears started to run down her face.
    “Aidan, I need you to help me to the bathroom,” Beck commanded, holding his stomach.  Beck was in pain again, only this time he was doubled over in front of the toilet, thanks to Aidan.  His stomach heaved relentlessly until he blacked out.
    Aidan ran to get help and stumbled over Mae’s body at the bottom of Beck’s bedroom door.  She lay there in the fetal position holding her stomach, tears running down her face as pain contorted her insides.  Mae could hear Aidan yelling for Meredith.  He didn’t know what to do so he carried Mae back to Beck’s bed.
    “Mere, I don’t know what the hell is going on here…Beck was in the bathroom throwing up a lung, then he passed out.  When I came to get you, I found Mae in a heap in front of Beck’s door.”  Aidan ran his hand through his hair and sighed.
    Aidan and Meredith moved Beck back to the bed, then started to ask Mae questions.  “What happened to you Mae?”  Meredith asked, hoping she could explain everything.
    “I was giving Aidan and Beck their privacy and as soon as I shut the door, I started to feel as if my insides were being torn out,” she explained.
    “I need to make some calls.  What is going on here is beyond my scope.  Aidan, I need to talk to you in private.”  They stepped outside the door and closed it.
    “I think I know what the problem is Aidan,” Meredith whispered, not wanting to be heard by the others.
    “What would that be?” he questioned.
    “I don’t know how it is even possible, with her being a witch but they have a vampires bond between them,” Meredith theorized.
    “We need to talk to Beck before we tell Mae anything.  He should be the one to tell her,” Aidan suggested.
    “Okay, in the mean time we can’t separate them.  So think of an excuse to keep her in his room,” Meredith said, knowing that things were quickly going from complicated to chaotic.
    Mae was feeling better, she got up and put Beck’s pajama bottoms on him.  As much as she admired his nakedness, she didn’t want him to share it with everyone in the house.  Meredith and Aidan returned to the room and Meredith started fussing over her, so she returned to bed.
    “While we wait for answers, it would be best if you stayed here with Beck.  I will go get Gemma, she can keep you company.  There is also a sizable library if you would to like something to read,” Meredith suggested.
    Mae noticed the stack of Sudoku books sitting on the nightstand.  “I’ll just do some of Beck’s Sudoku puzzles.  If you don’t mind, can you bring up the laptops and get me some more comfortable clothes?  Is he going to be okay?” she asked.  Beck looked like death, which worried her.
    “As long as he is not losing heat.  Rest is all he needs for now,” Meredith answered.
    “Aidan, Gemma, and I are going to hang out down the hall in the game room for the rest of the day.  That way if you need us, we’ll be within earshot.”  Meredith didn’t want to be far from Beck, in case he went into shock.  Besides, the stairs were becoming a real pain.
    Aidan handed Mae some of Beck’s puzzle books and a pencil.  “Gemma and I will get the things you might need and bring them to you in a bit.”
    “Thank you,” was all Mae could think to say as they left the room.  She looked down at Beck lying beside her and reached out to touch his arm, checking to see if he was still warm.
    It was not long before Aidan and Gemma showed up with their arms full of

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