Special Circumstances

Special Circumstances by Sheldon Siegel

Book: Special Circumstances by Sheldon Siegel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheldon Siegel
Tags: Fiction, LEGAL
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use all three of his names onthe news.
“District Attorney Prentice Gates will hold a press conference Saturdaymorning to discuss the case. KCBS will cover it live. KCBS news timeis twelve-ten.” I switch the station to jazz.
I take Paradise Drive west past the upscale Corte Madera mall. I headnorth on Magnolia, Larkspur’s main street. A mile later, I turn rightonto a side street called Alexander Avenue, and pull into the narrowdriveway of Number 8, across from the Twin Cities Little League field.Because of its proximity to the ballpark, it’s known as thehey-batter-batter house. Rosie has been renting the tiny whitebungalow since Grace started school last year. Many homes in Larkspurwere built as temporary housing after the 1906 earthquake. Some havebeen remodeled, but most are still quite small. Rosie’s was built in1925 for a local schoolteacher, who paid twenty-five hundred dollarsfor it. Today, the seven-hundred-square-foot house would set you backat least three hundred thousand.
The light’s on. Rosie is watching the rebroadcast of the late news. Iknock quietly on the door and let myself in. It’s a good sign whenyour ex-wife lets you have your own key. It wasn’t always the casewhen we were in the middle of our divorce. Her dark eyes light up. Sheholds a finger to her lips and motions me into the living room. Graceis asleep.
“Joel’s the lead story.”
“So I gather. I was listening to it on the radio.”
“They got your little speech in front of his house on camera.”
“They got another shot of you walking out of the Hall.”
“Nike will be calling tomorrow to offer me a sneaker contract. The“Air Daley’ line.”
She smiles. She’s heard this one before.
“They said you had no comment.”
“That would be correct.”
“You could have said he was innocent.”
“I know. I want to save my best lines for my interview with TedKoppel.”
“Probably smart.”
“I hope so.”
We stare at the TV. News Center 4 loves to send its minicams all overthe Bay Area to do live “team coverage,” even when it makes no sense todo so. Why TV news directors think we want to see their reporterscatching pneumonia escapes me. I guess if you have the fancy toys, youmight as well use them. Rita Roberts is standing in the pouring rainon the dark, empty street in front of Joel’s house. As she getssoaked, they show videotape of the arrest a few hours earlier. Theyshow my speech to the cops and a brief interview with Skipper.
The second reporter, a tall man with beautiful dark hair and a cleftchin, is getting drenched on the dark, empty street in front of theHall. They show videotape of Joel being escorted into the building.Then they show me hustling up the front steps of the Hall.
Rosie shuts off the TV.
“Joel has a big problem.”
“Tell me about it. What else did they say on the news?”
“The basics. The usual blather about incontrovertible evidence placingJoel at the scene. Inconsistencies in his story. They claim he’s beenuncooperative and tried to flee.” She pauses.
“Oh, one more thing. One station quoted ‘reliable sources’ saying Joelwas having an affair with Diana.”
“I see. Who was saying all that?”
“They didn’t say, but it has to be Skipper. It’s a DA’s wet dream.First week on the job and he’s got a highprofile murder case.” Rosiehas such a delicate way with words.
“Did they interview Roosevelt?”
“Briefly. He didn’t say much. He just said they have solidevidence.”
I look at the fire in the small fireplace.
“Joel’s got a big problem.”
She grins. The dancing light reflects off her dark eyes.
“My little rainmaker.
First week on the job and you have already landed a highprofile murdercase.
Not bad.”
“It’s a standard marketing technique,” I say.
“You go to dinner at your best friend’s house and hope he gets arrestedfor murder sometime between the salad and the entree. All thosemarketing seminars at S and G finally paid off.”
She turns

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