plus one to show a positive result. Others had lines, two lines pregnant, one line not. I was counting on one line. I was too young to be a mother, especially an unmarried mother. “I think this one’s your best bet.” CeCe whispered in my ear. “It has two tests just in case it’s wrong, has a plus sign, and you’ll know in three minutes if you’re pregnant or free.” She said turning towards me with her fake black mustache suddenly appearing above her upper lip. “Oh good gravy CeCe.” I stepped back, taking the box from her. “Let’s go.” We were back in the dorm room fifteen minutes later. I took the test and started towards the bathroom. “Do you want me to go in with you?” CeCe asked. “Not unless you want to hold the stick.” I said, closing the door behind me. “Okay, that’s all you. I’ll be right here waiting—right outside the door if you need me.” I sat down and took the test out of the package. I removed the cap on the end of the stick and said a prayer. I pleaded to God to please let me not be pregnant. I asked him for forgiveness for doing something I now knew that I shouldn’t have done with Skylar. I hoped he heard me and would have mercy on me. I had a plan for everything but being pregnant at 18 was not part of it. I put the stick down and peed. I finished and placed the cap back on over the tester part. I flushed the toilet and put the test on the back of the toilet; I didn’t want to see anything it had to show me yet. I opened the door and was suddenly face-to-face with CeCe. “What’d it say?” She asked grimacing. “I don’t know; I haven’t looked at it yet.” “Char, you have to read it.” “I don’t think I can. I’m afraid.” I said, starting to tear up. “The result won’t change; whatever it is.” She said carefully. “What are you going to do if you’re pregnant?” “I don’t know. I haven’t let myself think about that.” “Would you keep the baby? “Of course I would. I don’t want to be a mother now. But if I am—I don’t want anyone else to have my baby.” “Oh.” CeCe said softly. “What about school?” “I don’t know. I don’t know what I’ll do. I guess I didn’t think about it.” “What about Skylar?” “What about him? I have no way to get a hold of him. And obviously, he doesn’t care enough to call and see how I’m doing. Or maybe call and see if he got me, I don’t know, pregnant.” I said starting to feel the hurt and anger build up again. “Do you want me to read the results?” CeCe asked gently, with her arm on my back. “Yes. No. Wait.” I said as I took a deep breath in. “Yes.” CeCe walked into the bathroom and picked up the stick. She paused a moment before turning around. I kept my eyes closed and started to cry harder. I didn’t want to see her face because I knew I’d be able to tell the results by looking at her and I could barely breathe thinking what might happen next. “Char, it’s positive.”
Chapter 7: A Clearer Picture The next few weeks were a blur. I was still in shock and didn’t know what I was going to do. I wanted to become a writer more than anything. Now, I didn’t know if that would ever happen. I thought about Trudy and how she got pregnant and stuck, permanently, in St. Marys. I didn’t know how I’d tell my parents—or even when I’d work up the courage to tell them. They loved me so much and believed in me. I didn’t want to embarrass them or let them down. I felt like such a failure. I always listened to them and did the right thing. I couldn’t imagine telling them the whole story. It was starting to turn into a Jerry Springer episode titled ‘where’s the daddy’. I felt like an idiot. And other than CeCe I was alone in this. I hadn’t told Richie either and knew I needed to tell him next. I figured that he would help me tell our parents at least. I continued to attend classes, sick and pale. My appetite got a