Souls At Zero (A Dark Psychological Thriller)

Souls At Zero (A Dark Psychological Thriller) by Neal Martin Page B

Book: Souls At Zero (A Dark Psychological Thriller) by Neal Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neal Martin
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the Lord Mayor of Belfast? It made no sense, but then nothing about O'Rourke made sense to Edger at the time, so who the fuck knows?
    Regardless of who was doing this to Edger, it didn't change the fact that they had his daughter, and they had forced him into a time sensitive kill mission that would spawn severe consequences for his daughter if it failed. For the time being at least, Edger knew his focus had to be less on who was doing this to him, and more on how he was going meet their demands.
    Donna Lennon lived alone in a three bedroom semi in a quiet residential estate just of the main Belfast Road. It was the first time Edger had actually been to her home and he was surprised that she lived in such a large house, given that she lived alone. He had her pegged as an apartment type girl, but then he remembered that Donna's parents had died within six months of each other a few years ago, leaving the house to her.
    Donna opened the front door as he was walking up the path. She stood waiting on him, dressed all in black, wearing heavy dark eye makeup, her shoulder length black hair more tousled than usual. The T-shirt she wore had an image of a large eye on it and above the eye was the word TOOL. "This better be important," she said as he reached the door. "Tool waits for no man."
    "You look like a teenager," he said, as he stepped past her into the hallway.
    "Some of us refuse to grow up. I'm only twenty-eight anyway. Still a spring chicken, unlike you, old man."
    He forced a smile, not in the mood for the usual back and forth he often had with her. "You alone?"
    "Yeah. I'm meeting my girlfriend at the train station. Soon, I might add."
    Edger nodded. "I need your help, Donna."
    "I gathered that," she said, heading into the living room. He followed behind her into the room. She obviously hadn't changed the decor since her parents died, because the walls still had flowery wallpaper on them, as well as flowery curtains on the windows. Donna however, had added her own flourishes here and there, in the form of skulls, a lamp made of bones and some very weird artwork on the walls that was totally at odds with the wallpaper. She sat down on the white fabric sofa and picked a glass up off the table which seemed to be full of Jack Daniel's if the bottle on the table was anything to go by. "You want a drink?"
    He shook his head. "No. I need you to hack Belfast City Hall, Donna."
    She nearly choked on her drink. "What? Are you kidding?"
    "No, I'm not. I need information on Brian McGinty, the Lord Mayor."
    Edger sat on the edge of the sofa beside her. "Fuck it, I'll take that drink." He reached over and grabbed the bottle of the table, put it to his lips and took a large swig.
    "Help yourself," Donna said, as she lit a cigarette. "I'll not offer you one as I know you roll your own. What's going on, Harry? Why the hell would you need me to hack the fucking City Hall? What makes you think I can even do that?"
    Edger put the bottle back on the table, the bourbon burning its way down into his stomach. "Are you saying you can't?"
    "No, but…"
    "But what?"
    "It's fucking Belfast Council, Harry. Are you forgetting I nearly went to jail once for hacking Queens University? I try not to do anything illegal anymore, unless Rankin asks me to."
    He had heard about her getting arrested for hacking the university system. Despite being a near genius when it comes to computers, Donna still manged to fail her degree in computer science because she spent all her student days partying. In a bid to change her final grade, she thought she would hack the system, and ended up getting herself caught. Only for the fact that her father was a well-connected barrister, she would have done time.
    Edger stared straight at her. "My daughter's been kidnapped, Donna."
    Donna stared back at him, incredulous. "Jesus, you're serious."
    "Fuck, Harry." She put a hand to her mouth. "I'm so sorry. Do you know who took her?"
    "Not yet."
    "Do you know why

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