Souls At Zero (A Dark Psychological Thriller)

Souls At Zero (A Dark Psychological Thriller) by Neal Martin Page A

Book: Souls At Zero (A Dark Psychological Thriller) by Neal Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neal Martin
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present itself as to why the kidnapper wanted Brian McGinty dead, a reason that may also help to uncover the identity of the kidnapper himself.
    He was still at a loss as to who the kidnapper might be. Certainly it wasn't his long gone brother, as Rankin had posited earlier. Edger still couldn't believe Rankin had even said that. Edger had been close to his brother. They loved each other, looked out for each other. Even if Declan was somehow not dead, there was no possible reason for him to target Edger in this way, to kidnap his daughter—Declan's own niece—and force him to kill people. It was ludicrous to even think it. Which meant the kidnapper had to be someone Edger had crossed paths with in his time as a soldier. Having had a bit of time to think about it, he realised that there was more than a few people out there whom he wouldn't put it past to take such drastic action against him.
    The person who stood out most in his mind was a guy called Terry O'Rourke. When Edger first arrived at Aubagne, the home of the main Foreign Legion recruiting base in Marseilles, France, he was eighteen years old. Terry O'Rourke—a Dublin born twenty year old who was short in height but had a big mouth—came to Aubagne at the same time, and as O'Rourke was also Irish, Edger naturally gravitated towards the guy, even though O'Rourke was a bit too mouthy for Edger's liking. He'd only got off the train and he was bragging about how he would breeze through the training no problem to get his white Kepi, because he had apparently already done a year in the Irish Army before being kicked out for reasons he refused to go into. Edger was under no illusions about how hard the Legion training was going to be, so he just smiled at O'Rourke and let him think what he wanted, knowing the guy was in for a shock when training started.
    When training did finally start, O'Rourke struggled. He wasn't as tough as he made himself out to be. More than that, Edger soon realised the guy was mentally unhinged. Over time, he seemed to take a dislike to Edger, probably because Edger was doing better in the training than he was. Then one night while everyone was sleeping in the billet, Edger found himself being dragged out of his bunk by someone that he soon realised was O'Rourke. O'Rourke had a psychotic look in his eyes as he proceeded to madly kick and punch at Edger as he lay in shock on the floor, doing his best to defend himself against O'Rourke's blows. Then Edger caught sight of something shiny in O'Rourke's hand, and he realised with horror it was a knife. To this day, Edger didn't know how O'Rourke had gotten hold of a knife, let alone get it into the billet with him, but he had, and he intended to kill Edger with it, there was no doubt about that. Edger struggled to get up off the floor at this point, pleading with O'Rourke to calm down, but it was obvious the guy was mentally somewhere else entirely. He had lost his mind. Then a Caporal ran into the billet and tried to restrain O'Rourke, but O'Rourke was possessed of psychotic strength, and he immediately spun around and stabbed the Caporal in the neck. The Caporal hit the ground, blood jetting out of his neck all over the place. It eventually took six people to wrestle O'Rourke to the ground and restrain him so he could be handcuffed and taken away. As he was being dragged away by two Caporal's , O'Rourke screamed at Edger that he would kill him some day. The Caporal O'Rourke stabbed ended up dying, and O'Rourke himself was imprisoned by the Legion, given a life sentence.
    As Edger drove into the estate where Donna Lennon lived, he shook his head at the memory of O'Rourke. A man like that should have been in a mental hospital from the start. Edger had no idea if the man was still in prison, or if he was out, but he certainly wouldn't put it past him to go after Edger again, even after all these years. But if that was the case, why the hell would O'Rourke kidnap Edger's daughter and demand that he kill

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