Soul of Flame
and he responded in kind. “Our hearts are united and our destiny is upon us. I am queen, as my mate is king. We are the mistress and master of our clan and the emerald lands are ours to rule.” Ceara turned to Shim, pride and determination written large on her face. She spoke again. “But our emerald lands are not yours, Ainfean. My crown is not yours. My clan is not yours.”
    The black cloud of anger on the queen’s face softened. “What trickery is this? Do not try to play me, little girl, for I will not yield my throne. I claimed it through spilled blood, and I will hold it through spilled blood, even yours.”
    Shim stepped forward, drawing the queen’s attention from his mate. He suppressed the shudder tickling the base of his spine. Her silvery eyes lascivious, she studied his naked body, the covetous look too close a reminder of the way Isolde had once watched him. A look of possession, of ownership, nothing like the passion and love shining in his mate’s eyes. “I am Shimeer Neguar, last of my clan. Long have we dwelled deep in the Ecuadorian rain forest. I am King of All. King of Nothing. My realm is a sea of emerald as far as the eye can see. Ceara is my queen, my mate, my heart. By these words, I declare the prophecy fulfilled.”
    A calculated look crossed Ainfean’s face. She regarded them both, a smile stretching her thin lips wide. “Well, well. You two must be very pleased with yourselves.” A scream of fury cut her off, the high-pitched sound echoing around the platform. A blonde woman forced herself between two guards, advancing up the steps to where they stood.
    “Bitch! You should have died along with those pathetic humans you wasted so much time with.” Isolde screamed again, turning from Ceara to Shim. “You are supposed to be mine. I knew if she died the prophecy would seek to be completed and your resistance to me would disappear.” Spittle flew from her lips, insanity glinting in her blue eyes. The madness faded as her eyes rolled back, and Isolde slumped unconscious to the floor.
    Lowering her staff, the queen poked the fallen woman in the stomach, grunting in satisfaction when she remained motionless. “If there is one thing I can’t abide, it’s being interrupted. Now, as I was saying, you two have played a very clever game.”
    Ceara dropped a curtsey, tugging on Shim’s hand until he lowered his head in a stiff bow.
    “And you are honestly content to be Queen of Nothing, Ceara?” Ainfean sounded incredulous.
    “I am indeed because my mate has given me something you will never understand.”
    Her mother rolled her eyes. “I had such high hopes for you, daughter, but your heart is as soft as your father’s. Please, spare me your prattle about true love and fated mates.”
    Ceara’s laugh vibrated through him as he stepped behind her, pulling her hard up against his body. The need to touch her overrode any sense of self-preservation. He needed her in his arms. She lifted her hand, cupping his cheek where it rested against her shoulder. “Ah yes, there is all that of course, but the best thing my mate has given me is my own volcano to play with.”
    Silver hair rippling, Ainfean shook her head in amusement before signaling to her guards to collect the unconscious Isolde. “Go and play with your black beast and your volcano, child. I expect to see you at court to pledge fealty.” She turned away in a swirl of silver, the guards forming up around her. The procession marched away, and her final cool words drifted back. “Make sure you bring your cubs with you, when you come. I shall want to meet my grandchildren.”
    Shim spun his mate in his arms until she faced him. She stretched up on tiptoes, and he bent to allow her to capture his lips. The slow deep kiss stirred his cock. He took his time, relishing the sweet temptation of his mate’s mouth. She rubbed against him, moaning, and he pinched her ass as he broke their connection.
    A wicked gleam lit his mate’s brown

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