Sought...Book 3 in the Brides of the Kindred series
didn’t need to be putting on another
show. Quickly, she shut the shade, plunging the room into
bluish-purple gloom, but not before she saw several men on the
street below smiling and waving at her. Kat did not wave
back. God, some of those jerks will probably be at the party
    The thought made her wince. Her time on Twin
Moons was really getting off to a great start. She hadn’t even been
awake for one whole morning and she’d already given a peep show to
strangers and eaten a whole bowl full of horny fruit by mistake.
What the hell was she going to do tonight? And what—
    “My lady?” A soft rapping on the door
interrupted her mental tirade.
    “Yes?” Kat sighed with resignation. “Come
    “Thank you.” Lock came in and shut the door
behind him. He was alone, Kat saw with relief. She didn’t think she
could handle another dose of Deep just now. “I just wanted to talk
to you,” Lock said, coming over to the window where she was
standing. “I wanted to tell you—”
    “Have you been washing my hair while I was
unconscious?” Kat blurted.
    “Um…” Lock coughed and looked down at his
boots. Then he looked up and nodded. “Yes.”
    “You and Deep both or just you?”
    “It was my idea,” he said softly, looking
into her eyes. “But I did get Deep to help me.”
    “God!” Kat started pacing again. “I knew it. I knew it wasn’t just a dream.” She rounded on
Lock. “Do you know how creepy that is? I mean, I was unconscious , for God’s sake! You two could have been doing anything to me.”
    “We only bathed you,” Lock said in a low
voice. “Deep and I are honorable males. We would never take
advantage of you as you slept.”
    Reluctantly, Kat shook her head. “No, I
guess not. You wouldn’t anyway.”
    “Deep would not take undue advantage
either,” Lock said, obviously taking her meaning. “And we draped
you in towels to preserve your modesty if that makes you feel any
    Strangely enough, it did. Kat sighed and
nodded slightly. “I guess, maybe a little.”
    “Try to understand.” Stepping forward, Lock
took her hand in his. “We were charged with your safety and well
being. We were acting as any males would toward the female they
cared for.” Bending his head, he pressed his lips to the back of
her hand and gave her a soft, lingering kiss.
    Kat felt her heart skip a beat at the old
fashioned gesture and the feel of his warm lips on her skin. He
looked so handsome standing there, so earnest and hopeful as he
kissed her hand. When he looked up, his whole heart was in his
chocolate brown eyes.
    “Lock…” she said, not knowing how to
    “My lady,” he murmured. “Forgive me for
offending your modesty. Please know that I acted only out of
affection and the most earnest desire to see to your needs.”
    He had needs of his own. Kat could feel
them. She could feel the yearning inside him—the wanting so strong
it brought tears to her eyes. And all of it, all his desire and
need and love and lust, all was centered on her . “Oh, Lock…”
Somehow she found herself hugging him, wrapping her arms around his
muscular torso and holding him close.
    “My lady… Kat,” he murmured into her hair,
returning the hug carefully.
    Kat breathed in his scent without speaking,
knowing it was his mating scent but not caring for once. It was
warm and calming—a mixture of hot coffee on a cold morning and
fresh laundry straight from the dryer. Under it was a hint of
masculine spice that tickled her nose and made her nipples and the
tender vee between her legs throb. But despite her desire, hugging
Lock was wonderfully comforting. His arms were hard and strong
around her and she realized for the first time that she liked
him—liked him a lot.
    He liked her too. She could feel the warm
iron bar of his cock against her thigh, but she didn’t pull back.
It seemed right somehow—or at least, not scary. Her irritation and
worry seemed to melt away and for a moment

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