Soron's Quest
    Searching for Hexin
    SORON STOOD SWORD in hand, waiting for the beast to attack. He had been travelling for weeks searching for a source of hexin. Hexin, a rare mineral was a source of fascination for young Soron. Its unique properties blended well with iron to make beautiful metal artwork. But hexin was rare. Soron had searched far and wide, until at last he found a large outcropping of the magnificently malleable material, deep in the Glug Mountains.
    The problem was the mineral outcropping was close to the lair of a snow yeti. The snow yeti was a reclusive predator that roamed the high mountain ranges of Northern Solotine. Normally the creatures preyed on sheep, goats and once in a while one would come down from the mountains and steal a farmer’s cow. During the lean winter months yetis were known to seek out bear dens. Attacking the fearsome hibernating animals provided the yetis with large sources of food. Today, there was a yeti hunting Soron.
    The beast was beyond the tree line, stalking Soron. But a shift in the wind gave its presence away. The strong odor of the yeti contrasted with the clean crisp mountain air tinged with the light floral scent of high valley wild flowers which grew haphazardly throughout the area. The yeti smelled like the foulest body odor imaginable combined with rotting meat and a wisp of cat dung. Just the odor was disturbing.
    Soron had no interest in fighting the beast. He would gladly leave the reclusive monster alone. But something told him that the creature did not feel the same way. While most of the wild animals of Northern Solotine recognized man as an enemy to be feared, yeti were most definitely not in that category. They feared nothing and likely looked upon Soron as a suitable snack.
    Adrenalin coursed through Soron’s veins as he waited for the beast to attack. Branches snapped and broke, brutally brushed aside as the beast blasted out of the bushes. Soron turned his body slightly, bringing himself in line with the charging beast. So much for letting the beast live , thought Soron. The beast seemed determined to make a meal out of him.
    As the large creature closed in him, Soron swung his sword. Instead of attempting to duck his attack, the yeti simply raised its sinewy arm, letting Soron’s blade cut into its arm while it came forward. Unfortunately, the yeti delivered a blow of its own. The heavy clawed paw slammed into Soron’s chest, sending him soaring through the air. Soron landed with a heavy crash. His ribs felt they had been rearranged and breathing was now difficult. Soron looked up at the oncoming yeti. So far the mammoth killer was winning this battle, but Soron was no ordinary man, he was a northerner and the son of the mighty chieftain Theron. Theron was one of the rare and mighty northerners who were descendants of giants. The bloodlines were not as strong as generations before, but the extraordinary size and strength was still a marker of the unique heritage.
    Still, even with his exceptional size for a man, Soron was in trouble. The yeti was barely wounded and Soron could feel at least one broken rib. His mobility and endurance would be severely limited from this point on.
    Soron focused, rising to one knee. He waited until the yeti was within striking distance before pushing off the ground, pivoting as he lifted. Soron swung his razor sharp sword in a deadly arc intended to decapitate the attacking yeti.
    Having already felt the stinging touch of Soron’s blade the yeti wisely jumped back instead of trying to block the deadly blow. The tip of Soron’s blade slipped harmlessly in front of the monsters neck. The yeti gave a loud rumbling growl. It did not like the level of resistance Soron was putting up.
    Soron smiled at the yeti. The outcome of this battle was yet to be determined, but at the very least he was making life difficult for the dangerous monster. “Come on you big, ugly brute. You want to eat me? Be careful you don’t bite off more that you

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