Songs of Blue and Gold

Songs of Blue and Gold by Deborah Lawrenson Page A

Book: Songs of Blue and Gold by Deborah Lawrenson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Lawrenson
that could be. Eleni was usually so busy, constantly working whether at home, at her business or in the gardens. She showed Melissa to a side room, explaining how lucky she had been to be able to rent this room after a beauty therapist had left the previous year. It was important for the business to be central and easy to find, and reciprocal recommendations between her and Lia the hairdresser were helping.
    â€˜What kind of treatment would you like?’ She handed over a laminated list in English. ‘Rejuvenating? Relaxing and calming? Detox? Somehow I think not the after-sun soothing today . . .!’
    â€˜I think I need all of them!’
    Eleni laughed. ‘In that case . . . I think for you I will suggest the lavender with a tiny amount of geranium oil and bergamot . . . with perhaps a touch . . .’ she put her head on one side with a smile to assess her client’s reaction, ‘ . . . of melissa to make it very special.’
    â€˜Sounds lovely.’
    For an hour, Melissa was soothed and pummelled, surrounded by sensuous scents. Eleni left her cocooned in a warm white towel. She drifted for a while.
    â€˜Is good?’ Eleni asked when she came back.
    â€˜Very. That was wonderful.’
    â€˜Get up slowly. There is a cup of mint tea for you in the salon.’
    When Melissa went through, there were two cups on the tray.
    â€˜No other ladies today so we can sit in here,’ said Eleni, already perched in the reception area. She looked grimly towards the window and dark skies.
    â€˜Not a day for perfect hair,’ Melissa agreed.
    â€˜Your husband is not coming?’
    â€˜He always works very hard?’
    They sipped tea.
    â€˜Is this your mint too?’
    Eleni nodded.
    Melissa seized her chance both to change the subject and try to learn some more. She wondered about Alexandros. The history man, Eleni had said. Did that mean that he might be the one person who could help? And how could she contrive to see him again?
    â€˜From Alexandros’s garden?’
    â€˜Yes. He has the gift, he really does. Everything he plants grows good. The herbs, the vegetables! He has the best vegetable garden in the village, thanks to his strange ideas.’
    â€˜He’s very impressive, but quite shy . . . isn’t he?’
    She looked at Melissa oddly. ‘What makes you say that?’
    â€˜Well, I mean . . . obviously I don’t know him at all, but . . . the other day, the way he was talking to us one moment, and then he suddenly went into himself and walked away.’
    â€˜Did he?’
    Melissa hesitated. Had she completely misjudged thesituation, not only here in the salon but what happened with Alexandros too?
    Eleni’s face was hard to read.
    â€˜No, he is not shy,’ she said eventually.
    Her mind ran through the obvious possibilities. ‘Oh. I hope I didn’t do or say something to offend him?’
    â€˜No . . . not at all.’
    â€˜What then?’
    Eleni sighed.
    â€˜Is there something wrong?’ asked Melissa cack-handedly, before she could stop herself. She had already become too used to rifling through the pockets of other people’s lives. Perhaps it could become a habit, commonly known as nosiness, or worse.
    She thought Eleni was going to tell her, too. She opened her mouth, but then looked away. ‘It’s not for me to say.’
    They sipped in silence for a few moments.
    â€˜I’ve been trying to find the St Arsenius shrine – the path down, I mean. I’ve managed to see it from one of Manolis’s boats.’
    â€˜I know.’
    Of course she did.
    â€˜Does anyone still go inside it?’
    â€˜Sometimes. Not very often.’
    â€˜Is it locked, or –?’
    â€˜Alexandros goes soon, to take oil for the saint,’ she said, making out a bill. ‘Now the autumn storms

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