Drayton locked in fierce combat with his henchmen. When Alice and Jack came running forward, Drayton was like a madman as he struggled to free himself. In the mayhem, two more shots rang out. Jack was the first to go down. Then Alice.
    With no thought for his own life, Raymond ran to Jack, who appeared lifeless. Desolate, he turned his attention on Alice, taking her in his arms and comforting her as best he could until the older barman, Ted, tried to drag him away. “You can’t help her now, mate,” he said kindly, and glanced down at Alice; bathed in her own blood and lying so still, she seemed beyond earthly help.
    At first Raymond resisted Ted’s attempts to take him from her. But then, in tears and deeply saddened, he let himself be led away.
    From the first day he had spoken with Alice, something had taken hold of his lonely heart. He had loved her from afar, waiting for his chance, hoping that one day she might see him in the same light. And now, because of a man who did not deserve to wipe her shoes, his dream of taking care of Alice, and hoping she might come to love him, were ended.
    At that moment, all hell was let loose as the shrill scream of sirens heralded the arrival of speeding police cars. People were running all over the place — it was chaos. And Steve still had the gun.
    From a doorway at the top of the alley, the two women had seen it all. “My God!” Shocked to the core, Maddy could think only of Jack and Alice. “They’ve been shot! I’ve got to go to them!”
    Holding onto her, the girl kept her safe. “There’s nothing you can do now. Come away, there’s bad stuff going down. The police are everywhere. We’ll be interrogated. They won’t give us a minute’s peace.” Desperate to put a distance between themselves and the authorities, she kept a tight hold on her new friend. “We need to get away before they see us. If we go now, they’ll never know we were here!”
    But Maddy wasn’t listening to reason. All she could think of was her injured friends. “Let me go!” Frantic, she tore herself away. “I need to go to them.” And no matter how hard she tried, the girl could no longer restrain her.
    As Maddy rushed down the alley, total confusion was unfolding all about her. Police were everywhere; some grappling with the thugs, others handcuffing Drayton, and people were being ordered to get inside, where they should remain for questioning.
    The first ambulance drove in and attendants tumbled out, armed with all manner of equipment. Maddy saw how one of them went straight to the big man, now lying silent in a pool of blood, looking up and shaking her head to indicate there was nothing to be done for him. And then they moved on to Jack, who was crumpled against the far wall.
    Maddy got to Alice first. “Alice… it’s me, Maddy.” Tenderly holding her hand, she looked down on that dear, still face and her heart broke. “You’ll be all right,” she promised brokenly. “They’re here to help you.”
    Turning, she shouted over the chaos, “OVER HERE — please hurry!” But her cries fell away in the wake of all the confusion. Through the hordes of people being herded back to the club, she could see ambulancemen tending to Jack, and others bringing out more equipment and stretchers.
    Terrified that assistance might come too late, Maddy sobbed, “Alice, please don’t leave me,” devastated when it seemed that the injured woman was beyond hearing her. “We need you,” she pleaded. “Me and the baby.” Giving the limp hand a little shake, she said, “Alice, wake up.
You can’t leave us now. What will we do without you?”
    When Alice grabbed her hand in reply, Maddy thought her heart would stop. For a moment she couldn’t speak. Then she quietly thanked the Almighty for sparing her friend, and carried on gently patting her hand, like a mother soothes her child; and now she was telling her softly, “You’ll be all right… you’ll see. Help is on its way…

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