Sondrae Bennett - Alpine Woods Shifters 4

Sondrae Bennett - Alpine Woods Shifters 4 by Worth Fighting For

Book: Sondrae Bennett - Alpine Woods Shifters 4 by Worth Fighting For Read Free Book Online
Authors: Worth Fighting For
her tongue inside his mouth. His taste flooded her senses as she teased his tongue with hers. His arms surrounded her, urging her closer as his lips plundered hers.
    From one moment to the next, the kiss changed. No longer was Misty the aggressor. Instead, she was hit by the full force of Cody’s dominance. Without thought, she gave up control, closing her eyes and melting into his embrace. Releasing the material in her fists, Misty ran her hands up his chest, feeling the muscles ripple through his clothes wherever she caressed. God, she couldn’t wait to get him naked. From what she’d already seen and felt, the man was gorgeous, ripped in all the right places.
    A moan of denial escaped as he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers but holding her hips still as she tried to thrust against him.
    “Not here.” He kissed her nose before pulling away. Tease. The fact he was right only made it worse. Her work studio wasn’t the place for a wild bout of sex, especially considering a dance class was due in a half hour.
    “Okay. But you better make good on those promises tonight,” Misty said, gazing at his lips. She was sure hers were similarly red and swollen, and it made her smile. She was so rubbing this in Jen’s face for not believing it would happen.


    Chapter 8
    Classical music didn’t suit her. But Lady Gaga, Misty’s favorite artist, wasn’t what he considered romantic. Something about playing Bad Romance in the background while trying to sweep a girl off her feet seemed wrong. Cody threw up his hands in frustration. None of these CDs worked for tonight.
    A hand written case, stuck behind the stereo, caught his eye. He pulled it out and realized it was something his mother had made for him last Christmas. He looked over the playlist. Frank Sinatra, Etta James, Stevie Wonder… This might work.
    He popped it in the player, lowering the volume until it played faintly in the background. Then he moved back to the kitchen to check on the chicken in the oven. He wasn’t the best cook in the world, but could handle the basics. And hopefully follow a recipe without screwing up too badly. According to the directions his mother had given him, it still needed a couple minutes, but the smell filled the house, rousing his appetite. Hopefully it would be perfect for Misty.
    The doorbell sounded as he uncorked the wine. A rush of excitement bubbled inside him, and he crossed to answer the door. Why had he resisted this for so long? Now that the moment was here, he couldn’t think of anything more right than making love to Misty.
    “Hi,” Misty said as soon as he opened the door. His ready smile faltered as he took in what she wore. The dress looked like a large men’s dress shirt cinched with a belt, but the material was wrong. Instead of starched linen, the dress was made of a sapphire colored silk. It clung to her curves, slithering enticingly with each movement. Watching it made his hands clench with the desire to trace those curves.
    Working up the willpower to drag his gaze away from her hips proved harder than he anticipated. Then his gaze snagged on breasts. Perfectly shaped, they appeared to be unhindered by a bra. Cody shifted his weight as he hardened, his pants growing uncomfortably tight. In his mind, he imagined sliding that silk off, baring her body to his gaze.
    “Aren’t you going to invite me inside?” she asked, causing him to start.
    His gaze flew to her smiling one. He’d been standing in the door, blocking the entrance as he gawked at her.
    “Of course, come on in.” He held the door open for her. As she eased past him, he saw the slit up the side of her dress, stopping a mere inch below her underwear line, and bit back a groan.
    “Everything all right?” she asked.
    “That dress is killer.”
    “This old thing?”
    He found himself returning her smile. It was so easy to let go and have fun around Misty.
    She started to walk past him toward the kitchen, but he grabbed

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