Sometimes Brooke (The ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER Rock Star Romance Series Book 2)

Sometimes Brooke (The ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER Rock Star Romance Series Book 2) by Sierra Avalon

Book: Sometimes Brooke (The ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER Rock Star Romance Series Book 2) by Sierra Avalon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sierra Avalon
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    Narrowing her gaze at me Brooke asks, “And how often do you think about fucking Harper?”
    I shake my head. “Never. Sometimes I feel like Rayne can read my mind. If he ever caught me thinking about Harper that way he’d probably kill me. And then if I became a ghost, he’d kill that too.”
    That makes Brooke laugh. I love it when I can entertain her, even if it’s because I’m an idiot.
    I take her hand and look into her sparkling brown eyes. “I just want you to know that I think you’re amazing.”
    She glances down and kicks a stone with the edge of her bright pink sneaker. Not exactly hiking shoes, but I don’t think either of us expected us to actually hike.
    When she looks back up at me her eyes are damp. “You’re just saying that because you want to keep fucking me.”
    “I do want to keep fucking you. There’s no doubt about that. But I’m not just saying it. Just because your dad treated you like shit doesn’t mean you are shit. It means he’s the one who feels shitty about himself.”
    She gives me the tiniest of smiles. “Are you some kind of amateur rock star psychologist? Here’s the title of your first book: Mangled Clichés of a Bad Boy Rock Star .”
    “I’m the Cliché Mangler. What can I say?”
    We both laugh.
    “At least you’re willing to own it.”
    “Good night,” Brooke says as we stand outside of her bedroom door. She gives me a soft kiss that leaves me craving more. “Are you disappointed?”
    I nod. I’m not going to lie. I’d like to be inside of her every chance I get.
    She heaves a sigh. “I’m really trying to turn over a new leaf. I want to be the girl who can go on a date and have fun, but not always have to have sex. Does that make sense?”
    “Not really,” I tell her. “But I’ll do whatever you want. Whatever it takes.”
    Neither one of us makes a motion to move. Then I decide to throw something out there. “Can I still sleep with you?”
    She frowns. “You mean like really sleep. Without having sex?”
    “Do you think that’s even possible?” She presses her lips into a thin line.
    I shrug. “I’m willing to give it a try.”
    “Okay,” she replies more quickly than I expect.
    When she opens her bedroom door I follow her inside. “I think I’d better wear pajamas,” she announces. “Lessen the temptation.”
    “Sure, whatever.” I slip off my boots and jeans, but decide I’ll keep my t-shirt on. I’m still not ready for her to see my new tat.
    She disappears into the bathroom for a few minutes and when she returns she’s wearing the tiniest little shorts I’ve ever seen and a thin little tank top with no bra.
    “Those are pajamas?” They’re doing absolutely nothing to lessen the temptation in any way.
    She laughs. “Yes, they’re actually pajamas.”
    I quickly hop into bed so she won’t see how hard I’m getting. As soon as she climbs into bed I grab her and pull her close. When she nestles right up next to me I’m sure she can feel my hard-on pressing against her ass. But she doesn’t say anything and neither do I.
    I’m not really used to going to sleep so early and I’m not really that tired, so I’m glad when Brooke asks, “Are you asleep?”
    “Hell no.”
    “Want to talk?”
    “I’d rather be fucking you, but since that’s not an option, sure, let’s talk.”
    “I want to hear about your family. I told you all about mine.”
    “There’s not a lot to tell,” I reply. My family is not a subject I like to talk about. Or even think about for that matter.
    “Tell me something,” she insists.
    “You’re not going to let it go, are you?”
    She laughs. “You know me so well.”
    “My parents are gone. Dead.”
    When she asks, “Do you miss them?” I’m not sure how to respond.
    “I’m not sure I knew them well enough to miss them. Like if Xander, Rayne or Raven died it would be like a piece of me died right along with them. Those three are my family. When my mom

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