Something I Need (xoxo Nashville Book 1)

Something I Need (xoxo Nashville Book 1) by Lena Lowe Page B

Book: Something I Need (xoxo Nashville Book 1) by Lena Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lena Lowe
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his emails and replied to a few. He was part way through paying a few suppliers’ accounts when his cell rang.
    “Hey,” Tanner’s voice echoed down the line.
    “So, I hear Dolly has a potentially permanent house guest?”
    “Seems good news travels fast.” Cash clicked ‘confirm’ on the next payment on the screen in front of him.
    “And a job working with you.”
    “It’s not like I created a position just for her. I offered her some casual work, that’s it. Anyway, if you know all of this, why are you calling?”
    “Just checking in.” Tanner’s deep laugh bellowed in Cash’s ear and he switched the call to speaker to prevent further deafness. “I can’t wait for Dolly to call and tell me you’ve built her a stage at your place.”
    “Not likely,” Cash said, snorting. Although, he would be lying if he didn’t admit that the thought had crossed his mind. Fleetingly. He wouldn’t actually do that. Plus, he didn’t even know if she was any good. Not that it really mattered. She was country and he couldn’t handle that shit. This place was his sanctuary in a town full of Stetsons and guitars. Why in the hell would he go and invite that in?
    “But not impossible,” Tanner said, his tone teasing, their twenty-two years of history telling Cash how much Tanner loved riling him up.
    “Look, Tanner, I’m getting ready to open. Is this conversation over?”
    “Touchy, touchy. I guess I shouldn’t bring up the pool table incident, then?”
    “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Is there anything you don’t know?”
    “Apparently not. I guess I better let you get back to work.”
    “Later,” Cash said and ended the call. He rubbed the palms of his hands across his face and then through his hair. How was it possible his life had been turned upside down in less than a week? No matter what he did to try to release some of his pent up energy – he’d been getting up early most mornings to go to the gym in Tanner’s apartment complex, taken his horse, Casper, out for a long ride yesterday, and drained the monster twice already today – he couldn’t get a certain brunette Aussie and her tiny shorts and luscious lips out of his mind.
    On cue, his cell rang and her name appeared on the screen.
    “I’m just outside. Can you let me in?”
    He hung up and made his way through the bar.
    “Change your mind about lunch?” He couldn’t help but tease. Without his permission their flirty banter had become his favourite part of his day. He’d get all antsy in the mornings at the thought of when or if she’d call. Completely pathetic. It had to stop. Tomorrow he’d cut this shit out.
    “Not exactly. I want to do something nice for Dolly, maybe make her dinner or something?”
    “Buttering her up so she’ll teach you how to play?” He locked up behind her.
    “No! Okay, maybe a little. But really, she’s been so sweet to me.”
    “She’s a shitty cook, so she’d probably like that.”
    “What does she like to eat?”

    H is customers were busy sipping away on their drinks, so Cash took the opportunity to lean through the food service window and watch Jonte fuss about in his kitchen. Earlier he’d said she was welcome to anything in there, which of course she’d balked at, claiming he was on that white horse again. Utter garbage. But she’d finally acquiesced when he’d suggested she simply double whatever she was cooking so he’d have dinner too. Yeah, yeah, sneaky and shifty on so many levels.
    Pete had arrived fifteen minutes ago and was doing his usual food prep while Jonte bustled around him. On more than one occasion, Cash had caught Pete checking out her ass. Dirty perv. But he couldn’t blame the man for looking. It was a spectacular ass.
    Jonte smiled when she busted him watching, but just as quickly returned her attention to drizzling olive oil over the chicken breast she’d just wrapped up in bacon, and then covered the tray with foil. Jeez, he sure

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