Soldier's Women

Soldier's Women by Megan Ziese Page A

Book: Soldier's Women by Megan Ziese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Ziese
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Tom was still lying on the dirt and gravel of the parking lot.
He took off his tank top and then rolled Tom onto his belly. He pulled his arms
behind his back and tied them together with his shirt. “That ought to hold him
until the cops get here.”
    He got up and turned to Sera, “Give me your cell so I can call the cops.”
    Sera reached for her belt purse, which was only big enough to hold her phone
a little bit of cash. She unsnapped it and took out her phone, handing it to
    Nigel immediately dialed 911.
    “Yes, my name is Nigel Savage, and I’m a former marine. Me and my woman were
just attacked by a man in the parking lot of Fantasia. He pulled a knife on her,
but I took it away, and we fought for a little while before I managed to subdue
him. I’ve tied him up with a shirt. He’s still unconscious, but it probably
won’t be for long. There’s security cameras monitoring the lot if you need any
evidence against him.” With that said, he hung up the phone and handed it back
to Sera. “The cops will be here in a minute to pick him up. Let’s go.” He
grabbed her and pulled her tight against him for another second in a reassuring
hug before walking her to her side of the car and opening the door for her.
    Sera was glad that her friends had come by and picked her up instead of her
driving herself to the club. She didn’t think after the night’s ordeal that she
could have driven herself anywhere. She looked over at Nigel as he got into the
driver’s seat. He was so calm and cool and collect. Of course, he’d probably
seen a lot of action in the military. Fighting was nothing new to him. He’d
probably reacted just out of instinct rather than out of the urge to protect
    He drove her to her house. Getting out, he went over to the passenger’s side
of the car and took her out, throwing her up into his arms.
    She didn’t say anything, just put her arms around his neck and held tightly
to his chest. She needed this. She needed the comfort he could provide tonight.
She’d been through something traumatic, and she needed reassurance that
everything was going to be alright. Nigel could give her that.
    She took out the key and handed it to him when he reached her front door.
    In seconds, they were inside. He shut and locked the door and carried her
swiftly to her bedroom where he placed her on the bed and immediately undressed
    Her awareness of his hungry gaze sent a little thrill of excitement through
her. It jolted her pulse up a notch higher even before her reached out and
placed a hand on the upper slope of one breast and traced a slow path downward,
over her breast, along her rib cage and belly, down one thigh and then up again
to cup her sex. She was already damp when he insinuated his hand between her
thighs and traced her cleft with one fingertip.
    His hands were big, hard, rough from being in the military so long. The faint
abrasion of his touch along her body brought every nerve ending in her skin
tingling to life.
    Placing her hands on his shoulders to keep her balance, she closed her eyes,
focusing on his touch.
    He shifted, moving a little closer to the foot of the bed where she stood on
her knees, still too far away for their flesh to brush together, but close
enough the heat radiating from his body covered her like a foggy haze, raising
her own temperature.
    The scent of soap assailed her nostrils as he moved closer. Heated by his
body, his own personal scent emerged from his pores to mingle with the smell of
soap. The combination of smells that created a scent that was distinctly him and
no other sent a fresh rush of pleasure along her olfactory senses to mingle with
the sensations gathering from his touch.
    Her heart sped, began to drum in her ears. She heard the rasp of her breath,
little gasps each time he touched a particularly sensitive point, little pants
of anticipation as his exploration continued in search of others.
    With an

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