enlisted person was allowed to serve. Prior to his retirement John and the Sergeant Major created a civilian position with the 19 th essentially just for him, maybe a little unethical, but the Sergeant Major was the heart and soul of the unit.
There was a new Sergeant Major who had actually served with Sergeant Major Dognillo or he was his team Sergeant when he was in the 10 th at Bad Tölz Germany, Sergeant Major Aleho. He knew he had some pretty big shoes to fill especially since a few of the guys were old SFOF-D guys who joined up when they found out Major (now Lieutenant Colonel) Clayton and Sergeant Major Dognillo were running the show. He had tried out for Delta twice but never got through the selection course; he always got hurt and was forced out due to injuries.
Back at home Mel was dealing with getting the kids off to school and all of their after school activities, she had help from Lucida who was still with them after all of these years, Mel didn’t know what she would do without her. To top of all off Mel had her yearly checkup, she wished she could get John to do the same thing, but he was a man after all, they did everything they could to stay away from the doctor’s office. She had seen John come home from that weekend training covered in his own blood from some sort of action, he never thought twice about it. Sometimes though it was pretty bad, once he had dislocated his shoulder, he and Anzio did their best to reset it and they thought they actually had. But John woke up in terrible pain that night and still refused to go to the ER, she threatened him with divorce if he didn’t go right now, they both knew she didn’t mean it, John thought though that if she was that serious he better go.
Mel was very health conscience and takes great care of herself; works out daily, eats very healthy and regular doctor visits, last year she passed her physical with flying colors so this was all routine to her. She had taken the day off to get her physical done and run errands, not to mention picking up the kids who had half day and playing taxi mom.
She finished her physical in almost two hours, completed all of her errands, had an early lunch with her girlfriends and was off to pick up the kids. It was a beautiful day out and she was going to enjoy her time, she just wished John was home, just a few more days and the family would be whole again.
Mel was getting really bored with her work; it didn’t challenge her in the way it used to. They had money now more than they could ever use, she had been thinking about early retirement to spend more time with the kids or finding something else that she wanted to do. She hadn’t gathered the courage yet to talk to John about it but he did notice her taking more and more time off, he asked her once “don’t they get mad about it?” She responded that not that she was aware of. In fact the company was fed up with her missing so much work, they were aware that she was losing interest in what she was doing and had offered her other positions within the organization, she had been working there for almost fifteen years.
A week after her physical she was called back in to her doctor’s office stating there were a few more tests they wanted to run, nothing to worry about it was routine. Her thought was if it was routine why didn’t they do it last time? She set a time and date up to return, she knew work was not going to be happy about it, but she didn’t really care.
She arrived for her appointment a bit early hoping that she would be able to get in and out with little hassle as possible. She was lucky and once she arrived and checked in she was taken to the doctor’s office. Her doctor explained that her test came back and showed she was anemic, he
Susan Juby
Daniela Fischerova, Neil Bermel
Hugh Cave
Melinda Barron
Sharon Cullars
Jason Halstead
Caren J. Werlinger
Lauren Blakely