Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans

Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans by Dale C. Musser

Book: Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans by Dale C. Musser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dale C. Musser
leave it unlocked so I can reach you if needed.” She then proceeded to show me how to open and close the panel and how to lock it.  She told me that should I need anything that Piesew Mecarta or the staff could not provide or handle that she would be available around the clock to assist me.  As she stepped into her own quarters and closed the panel from her side I was fighting the thoughts trying to enter my mind on just what she could do to assist me.  Wearily I stumbled into my overly large bed room with the bed large enough to sleep everyone that had been in the conference room and with room to spare.  I barely got my clothing off, letting them fall to the floor, and crawled onto the bed before I was sound asleep.  That night I dreamed of a naked Kala and myself naked floating down a wide river on my bed as though it were a boat.  In my dream Kala was running her fingers through my hair as she recited poetry to me about a ship with a stolen cargo while over head the TRITYTE was flying with millions of dollars blowing out the open hatch.
    I was awakened in the morning by the voice of Piesew “Greetings sir Renwalt, I am most sorry to awaken you, but it has been ten hours since your meeting of yesterday with the Captain and Major Kala thought perhaps it best if I awakened you and see to your personal needs before you meet with the Captain again today.”  I rolled over on the bed to see Piesew moving about the room as he spoke picking up the clothing I had dropped there as I went to bed.  Just inside the door of my room stood one of my body guards, neither he nor Piesew seemed in the least concerned that I was lying naked in the bed.  I realized that I had not even bothered to get under the covers but had fallen asleep on top of them.  I yawned and said.
    “Thank you Piesew I guess I should eat something before I meet with the Captain again.  Could you get me something?  I’m not familiar with your foods yet. Perhaps you can just bring me something that is considered appropriate for this time of day.”
    “Major Kala asks that I tell you that you are invited to join her in her quarters to dine once you have fully awakened.  Of course if you do not wish to do so I shall tell the Major and I will bring you food as you requested.”
    While Piesew was talking I was watching the guard inside the door, he reminded me of the guards at Buckingham Palace in England, standing ridged, his eyes never moving nor his face ever showing any expression or indication that he was even aware of our conversation.
    “Oh…” I responded to Piesew’s “Tell the Major I gladly accept and as soon as I have showered and dressed I will be most pleased to dine with her.   Oh and Piesew, could you choose something appropriate for me to wear for today?”
    “Indeed I can Sir Renwalt , I shall lay the items out on your bed while you shower.”
    “One more thing Piesew , you need not call me Sir Renwalt, Tibby or Tib will be fine.”
    “That would be most inappropriate for my position and frowned upon by most people and the staff in general Sir .  If you do not mind I will continue to call you Sir Renwalt, but I am most flattered by the honor you show me with your request.”
    While the shower I took was refreshing , it was not nearly as enjoyable as when Kala had been there previously.   I found myself staring at the spot where she bathed the day before with a sense of longing that surprised me.
    After bathing I returned to the bedroom to find the room immaculately straightened out from my night of disrobing and sleep.  Piesew had laid out a deep blue colored outfit identical to the black one Kala had picked out for me the night before and I wondered if there was some significance to the cut.  Walking into the closet I found that a large percentage of the outfits, though different colors, were similar in cut.  I had not seen many of the occupants of the ship so far, having only passed through one large common area on my way

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