
SocialPreyAllRomance by Trista Ann Michaels

Book: SocialPreyAllRomance by Trista Ann Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trista Ann Michaels
she wouldn’t meet his gaze, he put his finger under her
     chin and forced it up.
    “Look at me.”
    Using the pad of his thumbs, he wiped away the tears.
    “Say it again,” she whispered.
    Scott’s lips twitched. “Say what again?”
    “Say you love me.”
    He smiled softly and cupped her face in his hands. “I love you.”
    Kiley stood on her tiptoes and slanted her mouth over his. The groan of approval that
     rose from his chest vibrated against her own and sent a current of need screaming
     through her body.
    Scott lowered his hands and wrapped them around her waist, pulling her tight against
     his warm, hard body. She slid her palms up his back. The muscles flexed and bunched
     under her fingers as his tongue slid between her parted lips and deepened the kiss
     even further.
    She couldn’t get close enough. With trembling fingers she tugged his shirt up and
     ran her hands along the taut skin of his back.
    “Hold onto me,” he murmured against her lips.
    He cupped her ass, hauling her up and her arms lifted to snake around his neck. She
     wrapped her legs around his waist as he began to walk them toward her bedroom. Their
     lips were still locked, their tongues battling for control and every step he took
     rubbed his cock enticingly against her aching mound. Moaning, she tried to fit herself
     more tightly against him.
    Once in the bedroom, Scott dumped her onto the bed where she landed with a soft squeal.
    Looking up, she couldn’t take her eyes off him as he lifted his shirt over his head,
     exposing his muscular chest to her hungry gaze.
    Every part of her body screamed for him to take her. Just looking at him sent her
     into a frenzy of lust so strong, she could hardly contain herself. Had he really said
     he loved her? She moved to her knees and pulled her shirt off as well. She matched
     him move for move; clothes for clothes, until they both were naked from head to toe.
    Kiley dropped her gaze to his erect shaft and her breath caught. He was huge. Thick
     and long, it came practically to his naval. He was gorgeous with that big cock, those
     thick thighs and washboard stomach, as well as the most beautiful pair of blue eyes
     she’d ever seen. And for the first time, those eyes were looking at her with unmistakable
     love. How had she not seen it before? Why had they wasted so much time?
    She reached out and touched the tip of her finger to the head of his shaft. She ran
     it slowly down to the base, then back up, never taking her eyes off the lust burning
     in his.
    “Your brother is so going to kick my ass for this,” he growled.
    Kiley grinned. “Mine, too. But I think it will be worth it.”
    “Oh, yeah,” he purred as he leaned forward. “Most definitely worth it.”

Chapter Twelve
    Kiley fell to her back and uncurled her legs. Scott braced himself by placing his
     palms on the mattress next to her shoulders. He still had his feet on the floor and
     much to Kiley’s frustration, several inches separated their bodies.
    She placed her hands at his waist before slowly feathering them up his ribs. Scott
     grinned as he lowered his mouth to hers. “I hope you’re not in a hurry,” he teased,
     then brushed his lips over hers.
    Kiley sucked in a breath as she parted her lips, wanting so much more. Unfortunately,
     Scott seemed determined to make her beg.
    “I plan on taking my time. Matter of fact,” he whispered. “I plan on making love to
     you all day long.”

    * * * *
Keith carried Paula into the two bedroom hotel suite and placed her gently on the
     bed. The military doctor they often called upon when in London, Lieutenant Commander
     Joshua Lloyd, followed behind him.
    “She’s been out a while now,” Keith said as he stood back and let the doctor examine
     her ribs.
    Josh probed gently, but Paula never budged. She was out like a light, and Keith’s
     chest tightened with worry.
    “How much did you give her?” Josh asked as he lifted one eye lid and shined a light
     at her

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