Snowscape Trilogy
demeanor fell from his stance. “Are you safe?” I nodded with slight
trepidation. “You’re with him?” I nodded again. He turned away with
a sigh and suddenly disappeared.
    “God dammit,” I swore under my breath. I
close my eyes and let the cat and mouse game begin. I chased him
through several landscapes and places. Each catching only a
fleeting glances of his black attire before losing sight of him
altogether. Time lost all meaning as I chased him through and
through and I could feel myself begin to grow weaker although not
in the physical sense of the word. After what felt like hours I had
found myself besides a park beach that sat within the confines of
what looked like Central Park. I could see the skyscrapers jutting
up in the distance and could taste the burnt smell of hot dog
vendors nearby. I had once visited New York when I was just out of
high school and had considered moving there even. I had found the
city dirty and congested, but still full of wonder and people. The
whole town with its hustle and bustle had made me loose all sense
of comfortableness, leaving me open and vulnerable. I left within
two weeks and had made my way north towards Maine.
    I sat down on the bench to take a moment to
rethink my strategy. Nathaniel was trying to teach me something
here, and it was becoming clear that it was not simply to follow
him around like a puppy dog. I rubbed my hand over my eyes and
cleared my mind. He had told me that I could evolve; take over the
landscape I found myself in. Every time I wanted to I would find
myself by Nathaniel’s side, he would know I was there and then
leave. With a jolt it hit me. I grinned to myself in satisfaction
before closing my eyes. I pictured him standing there in front of
me: the soft black folds of his robe caressing down his perfect
frame. I could see the dark sweep of his strait black hair as it
fell in a messy tousle against his face.
    When I opened my eyes I saw
him standing in front of me. He made to move, to leave just had had
countless time before, but his eyes widened as he realized that he
couldn’t. He couldn’t move, couldn’t blink, and couldn’t breathe. I
could not control him but I could control where we were. A soft field surrounded us
but every blade of grass stood perfectly still. Every grain of
pollen stayed floating upon the breeze without movement. It was as
effortless to me as was breathing. I held my hand up to him,
feeling each molecule of the air fall through my fingers. The power
that I felt was euphoric as I stared at him. Suddenly a deep
longing overtook me and I could taste his kisses on my lips. I
recalled the feel of his fingers delving deep inside me and I was
overcome with a sensual need to have him touch me again.
    I reached up and ran my hand down the length
of his arm. He could not speak, but I saw his eyes follow me with
pride and fear all the same. I slowly ran my fingers down the soft
crushed velvet as I had longed to do for every moment of every
dream I had had since birth. I was in complete control now and I
wanted nothing more than to torture him with the same sense of
anticipation he had always held over me. I walked around him,
circling like prey and I could see the fear in his eyes grow. This
was not the outcome he had expected. I leaned in close to him and
spoke gently into his ear. “You’ve tortured me my whole life, you
know: the unanswered questions; the longing to know the truth” I
stopped and stared into his opal eyes and I could feel the air
stretch against me as he fought and pushed with all of his essence.
“I have you.” I trailed kisses down his cheek and to the nape of
his neck. My hands ran down both of his arms and despite the force
I held over his body, a ripple of ecstasy skimmed across it. I lost
myself in his scent as I nestled my lips into his collarbone. My
hands reached down and I could tell was enjoying my attentions. As
desire overtook me and I pressed myself against him, I could

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