Sleeping Lady
Georgia finished filling out the papers and handed them to the chipper redhead who had been staring at her since she arrived.
    The woman treated her to a warm smile, then read the first page of Georgia’s application. Her brow furrowed in concentration.
    “What’s wrong?”
    The woman held up a finger and pursed her lips as she turned to the second page. She scanned it quickly, then slid them both into an envelope. “I’d say you’re perfect! You’re pretty, and you’ve got a healthy relationship to sex. The questions are to screen out anyone who would be unhappy working here. You’re simply perfect.” She tossed the envelope into a wire tray labeled “Applications.”
    “Oh, thank goodness.” Georgia wiped her damp palms on her jeans. She’d fibbed a bit about her sex drive. The ad had said, “Attractive woman with low libido needed for Sleeping Lady section of sex theme park.” No one had ever accused her of having a low sex drive, but for such a good salary, she’d fake it. “So now what?”
    “Now you audition. You’ll be in the first room up the stairs, but you change down here. Use any of the open lockers for your stuff.”
    Georgia started to walk away.
    “Wait!” The redhead rooted around under the desk, then handed plastic-wrapped clothing to Georgia. “Billy is running things today. He’s very nice.” She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “He’s hot, too. I’d audition if I knew I’d get him evaluating me.”
    Georgia didn’t expect privacy, not at Adult Fantasy Playland, the world’s largest sexual amusement park. But she wasn’t used to getting naked in front of strangers, so she turned to face the wall as she changed into the uniform: black panties and a loose, cotton shirt that brushed the tops of her thighs. 
    A row of bathrobes hung along the wall, so she grabbed one and slipped into it, securing the belt tight around her waist with a double knot. Sure, it was all going to come off in a few minutes, but she’d take comfort where she could.
    “Wishin’ you luck,” the woman said as she scratched her ankle with the eraser end of a pencil. “Just remember that the first time is always the hardest, but Billy is gentle with newbies. After a few times, you might even enjoy it.”
    Georgia nodded meekly and went up to the audition room, finger-combing her wavy, shoulder-length chestnut hair. When she raised her hand to knock on the door, her fingers were trembling noticeably. She stared at her hand in surprise; she hadn’t realized she was so nervous.
    The door swung open, and a naked, very tall man with swarthy skin and luxurious dark hair that reached his collarbone was standing in front of her. Looming over her was more like it. He had to be 6’2”, and there wasn’t an ounce of spare flesh on him; she could see every muscle in detail. 
    She looked down because she was staring at his firm chest, then she immediately looked back up, but the image was burned in her mind: his cock, sleepy but still impressive, was nestled atop a dense mass of curls. She looked down again when movement caught her attention. 
    His cock was growing, slowly filling out and becoming erect.
    She nodded and stared at the floor as her face burned red. The stranger’s voice was so deep that she felt the vibration in her toes.
    “I’m Billy,” he said, all business.
    She nodded again. When he stepped back and motioned for her to enter, she did, but not without another glance at his cock. It now stood at half-mast. All of this just from seeing her in a bathrobe? 
    And the size of him … how the hell was anyone supposed to pretend to sleep through that ?
    The trembling seemed to have spread from her hands to her legs, so she focused on the room, trying to distract herself from thoughts of the erection and the hot stud only a few feet away. The room was cozy and actually looked like a real bedroom, like someplace she wouldn’t mind living. The jute wallpaper and rich,

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