Sleeping Beauty and the Lion: A Shifter Fairy Tale Retelling of Sleeping Beauty (A BBW Shifter Fairy Tale Retelling Book 3)

Sleeping Beauty and the Lion: A Shifter Fairy Tale Retelling of Sleeping Beauty (A BBW Shifter Fairy Tale Retelling Book 3) by Sylvia Frost

Book: Sleeping Beauty and the Lion: A Shifter Fairy Tale Retelling of Sleeping Beauty (A BBW Shifter Fairy Tale Retelling Book 3) by Sylvia Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sylvia Frost
weight the way I’d seen some men look at breasts.
    “You’re about to come, Rose,” he said. And I wasn’t sure if it was a promise, or if his doctor’s mind could just decipher the signs of my body.
    With one last stroke, his tongue retreated. I thought for a second that was the end of it, but then he opened his mouth and covered all of me with his mouth and sucked.
    Stars burst behind my eyes.
    “F-fuck!” I screamed, not caring about the swear, not caring about the neighbors, not caring about how I looked, not caring about anything. My hips bucked, beyond my control. All my muscles unclenched.
    I was coming.
    And Daniel was lifting up my hips with his hands, and slipping the towel underneath me. The terrycloth fabric felt rough against my tingling skin. Almost as rough as the stubble on Daniel’s rugged jaw. His tawny hair draped down around his face, tickling my nose, like a curtain hiding us from the rest of the world.
    With my legs still open and ready for him, I felt the head of Daniel’s hot cock tease my entrance. It was velvety, and so much bigger than I would’ve guessed. Then he was slipping inside of me.
    It was like nothing I had ever felt, the pressure unbearable, his hot manhood pushed against my inner walls, stretching me. Making me fit. Making me his.
    His golden eyes disappeared as he closed them. “Oh, Gods. Rose.” My name sounded like a prayer.
    He thrust forward another inch inside of me. I winced. It did hurt a little, but underneath the pain was a deep pleasure I’d never felt before. When I masturbated with my fingers, the pleasure always fizzled out quickly, but this one last.
    Another inch of his cock pushed into me. Around it something much more liquid than my natural juices spilled between my legs. Blood, I realized. The pain eased a little, as the mark on the back of my neck sent out a comforting wave of pleasure.
    The farther he entered me, the better I felt. Somehow, I knew that if he was all the way inside of me, f-fucking me it wouldn’t hurt so much. I grabbed his biceps. His skin was rough beneath my fingers, and strangely raised, like scar-tissue, but I was too drunk on him to think much about it.
    But Daniel did. He grabbed my hands with a growl, pinning them above my body. His cock continued its steady advance inside of me, and he bent down, biting through the front clasp of my bra. It popped open.
    Eased of the weight of my swollen breasts, the cups flopped to the side. He pressed forward another inch and sucked on my nipple. Now I was fully naked and spread out before him.
    I moaned something even I didn’t understand.
    But Daniel did, although he had to confirm to be sure. “What?”
    “Harder,” I said louder. “Go faster.”
    “Done,” he purred.
    His eyes weren’t just glowing, they were on fire, burning me up with no apologies. He slammed into me. My matemark sent an echoing wash of pleasure at the ravaging. I didn’t care about anything now. I spread my legs all the way open, so he could take all of me.
    His cock pistoned inside of me, each stroke deeper than the last, so big I could do nothing but just take him.
    I was a virgin. This shouldn’t have felt so good. I shouldn’t have liked it so rough.
    He thrust again, banishing that thought. I screamed.
    “You’re mine, Rose Briar” he growled. His hips stilled mid push.
    “Yes,” I pleaded.
    “Say it.”
    “Yours,” I said. “I’m yours. Forever.”
    He bowed his head and kissed my forehead, like a blessing. Then he was lost to me now, his arms two columns on either side of me as he took what was his.
    In all my fantasies I couldn’t have imagined the terror, or the joy feeling him burying himself inside of me.
    The hairs on the back of my neck flared, my hands balled into fists, and I didn’t know why I was, but I was resisting his onslaught, the pure male-ness of it, just for the joy of giving in seconds later. My whole body smelled of his sex and that savannah-before-a-storm

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