Skin (McCullough Mountain 2)
moving. The weather this far west of
Philadelphia was preferable as well. It was still sweltering, but
she took pleasure in the bursts of fall she caught here and there.
Such things only presented themselves in temperature drops in the
city, but here there were bursts of color in the foliage and cool
breezes that snuck in.
    That was the crap she forced herself to
focus on every time she missed Finn. The day after he’d kissed her,
she was confused. Then she was angry. How could he do that? There
was no question in her mind that he was using her. He was horny,
lonely, or looking for an escape to forget Erin. No way would she
believe this actually had anything to do with her. Mallory was
simply convenient and, maybe in Finn’s eyes, desperate enough to
agree to a meaningless fling. That thought hurt, because it was
clear how little he valued their new friendship.
    When Thursday came she was sad. He hadn’t
stopped by and no matter how much she didn’t expect him to,
each day when she came home there was a sting of disappointment
that he hadn’t been there waiting for her like he had the time
after the mall fight.
    Saturday morning it was gloomy. Rain softly
pelted the windows of her apartment as she stared mindlessly at the
Morning Show on the television. Some skinny blonde was being gifted
with a dream wedding and her sweet, emotional story made Mallory
want to fling her yogurt at the screen.
    Her phone rang and her heart pinched,
letting go with a sad little exhale as she realized Finn didn’t
have her number. She picked it up and saw Ally’s number on the
screen. Smiling, she slid her thumb over the face and brought it to
her ear.
    “Hey, girl.”
    “Hey! How’s bumblefuck?”
    Mallory laughed. “It’s good.”
    “Did you start your job?”
    Mallory poked her spoon through her yogurt,
no longer enjoying it. “Yeah. I love it. Everyone is so nice.”
    “Do they have all their teeth?”
    She snorted. “How deep in the boonies do you
think I am? Yes, they all have teeth.” Ally giggled and Mallory
heard Savannah, her friend’s newborn, coo in the background. “How’s
the baby?”
    “She’s…” Ally sighed. “Perfect.”
    “Good. Getting big?”
    “Yes. She’s a little piglet.”
    Mallory fought the envy tightening her
stomach. “How’s Joe?”
    “He’s good. He got that promotion.”
    “That’s great, Ally! Things sound like
they’re going really good for you guys.” She stood and chucked her
half-eaten yogurt.
    “Okay, now really tell me. How are you? You
sound shlumpy.”
    Mallory returned to the couch and flopped
onto her back. “I’m fine. It’s raining here, so the weather’s just
getting to me.”
    “Mallory Fenton, don’t you dare feed me a
line of bullshit when I ask you a question. What’s going on? I can
tell you’re upset. Do I need to come there?”
    She laughed, imagining the arsenal of baby
paraphernalia Ally would need to make the trip. “No.” She huffed.
“I made a friend and I think I already lost him.”
    “ Him? Do tell.”
    “His name’s Finnegan McCullough and—girl—he
is a real mountain man.”
    “Sounds delicious. Tell me more.”
    Mallory spent the next twenty minutes
catching Ally up on her past few weeks. When she finished Ally was
quiet for a moment. “Let me get this straight. He kissed you and
you automatically assume he’s just trying to get laid and that’s
    “He just broke up with his girlfriend,
which, from what I hear, is a normal occurrence. He doesn’t see me
that way.”
    “How the hell do you know, Mal? Maybe he
realized you’re a cool girl. You’re beautiful, funny, and people
love you. There’s no reason he shouldn’t like you.”
    She pursed her lips. “You don’t understand,
Ally. You’d have to see him to get it. When I say he’s hot, I’m not
talking turn your head and bat your eyes for a smile. I’m talking
Adam Levine and Brad Pitt’s lovechild hot. Sometimes it hurts to
look at him.”
    “So? Mallory,

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