Skin Deep

Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt Page B

Book: Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Jarratt
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interested to know about you squatting there too. No one will sleep safe in their beds once they know there’s a gyppo nearby.’
    Here we go again. Always the same. Do you know how many times I’ve met you in different places? I put my best bored face on. ‘Are you going to blag on all night or is there a point to this?’
    That threw him. Obviously I wasn’t supposed to answer back. I was supposed to be intimidated. ‘You stay out of our way because if you mess with any of us again, I’ll make so much trouble for you . . . .’
    ‘If your mates don’t upset mine then I won’t need to mess with you, will I?’
    He took a few steps closer and shoved me hard on the shoulder. ‘That little bitch deserves all she gets, stirring her dad up to get the village against me. So what if Ed did it for a bet? She’s lucky somebody normal will go near her. I wouldn’t do it no matter how much you paid me.’
    The surge of anger swept through me so fast it left me shaking. Jenna was hearing all this. ‘You’re some piece of work, you are. You think you can make trouble for me – ever stopped to think how much I could make for you? I know people who’d take you apart if I asked them to.’
    He took a step back. He hadn’t thought of that and I must be bluffing well enough to fool him. ‘I don’t know what you see in that bitch,’ he snarled. ‘Or have you got some sick thing for shagging ugly –’
    He didn’t get to finish because I dived on top of him and took him down.
    I only got a couple of punches in before he fought back and flipped me off him. He was stronger than me and the first time his fist collided with my jaw was like being hit by a train. The pain seared up the side of my face and blinded me so I didn’t see the next punch coming. His knuckles smacked into my cheek, smashing my head to the side.
    Gotta get up or he’s gonna destroy me.
    I could hear his mates egging him on, eager to help if he needed them.
    ‘Not so mouthy now, are you?’ he said with a laugh as he brought his fist down towards my face again.
    But I saw the blow coming this time and twisted. His knuckles missed and crashed into the gravel instead. Punching the ground hurt, and I saw the pain flash across his face so I added to it and whacked him in the mouth with my own fist.
    I hit him hard enough to knock him clean off me and his mates roared with anger as they piled towards me.
    ‘Lads! Pack this in! No more!’ a voice bellowed behind them.
    Carlisle scrambled up, clutching his face and spitting blood from a split lip.
    A man pushed through Carlisle’s mates and put himself between us. He grabbed Carlisle and pinned his arms. ‘Let it go. You can’t afford more trouble.’
    He was a big guy – looked like a rugby player too – and Carlisle knew him because he stopped struggling to get to me.
    The man turned to look at me. ‘You, get out of here. Now. Before I call the police and have you removed.’ The rest of the lads were standing back and letting him deal with it so I guessed the club must have put him in charge tonight. Time to exit. As I got up, Carlisle snarled at me over his shoulder, ‘If I see you again, you’re dead.’
    I thought about flipping him the finger again, but I remembered Jenna, left waiting on her own, so I gave it up and walked off just slowly enough to piss them all off.

15 – Jenna
    ‘Let’s go,’ Ryan said. I winced as gravel cut into my bare feet and he waited for me to put my shoes back on. He ruffled my hair. ‘You saw all that, didn’t you?’
    ‘Yes,’ I said quietly. I wasn’t sure what I felt after seeing him act in that way. Was I a bit afraid of him now? Maybe.
    He sighed. ‘I told you to stay put.’
    ‘Sorry.’ My voice came out even quieter, almost a whisper.
    ‘I’m not mad at you,’ he said, bending his head to see my face. ‘Did I scare you? I’m sorry if I did.’
    ‘Where are we going?’
    He laughed. ‘No idea. We’ll decide when we get to the road.

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