she’d met the guys? She rarely (or never) let anyone in, especially men, but here she’d grown close to five of them in one day. College really could be life-changing.
When Jaycee finally reached the desk, she was practically asleep. The fear of mishandling her final steps toward being a full-time student woke her up in a hurry. She’d smiled for her photo, and made small talk with the staff. Luckily her photo wasn’t too bad. She’d already been there two hours. She still needed to retrieve her textbooks, have lunch, and purchase a meal plan. She’d left that till the last minute so she could get a look at the food before making a decision.
Decision made. She was not getting a meal plan. Lunch left her feeling nauseated. She would have been smarter to eat the fast food in the student union. Lesson learned. Not all campus meals are created equal. Jaycee had her books, her ID, and a belly fully of disgusting lasagna. Now all she had to do was find her way back to the health center. Easy, right?
Eight wrong turns, dead ends, and deceiving short cuts later, Jaycee was exhausted. Maybe she should have found a printed map, instead of relying on the one in her head. After all, it seemed the original map might have been out of date. A factor she hadn’t considered when she had done her pre-plan strategizing.
When Jaycee finally found the health center it was two thirty. She still needed to get a shower for the day, but since she’d showered late yesterday it hadn’t been a full twenty-four hours yet. She longed to see the guys again. Needing a friendly face, Jaycee approached the health center’s front desk.
“I’m here to see Dr. Kavanagh,” Jaycee told the nurse at the desk.
“Do you have an appointment? You’ll need to sign in.” The nurse was busy typing away on her computer, not looking at Jaycee.
“No, I’m not here for an exam. My name’s Jaycee and—”
“Oh! You’re Jaycee? Sorry, dear, I’ve been so busy today. I forgot Dr. Kavanagh said to keep an eye out for you. Right this way, hon. He’s with a patient, but I’ll let him know you’re here.” The nurse was probably in her late forties, blond curly hair cut short to her head. Jaycee hadn’t meant to disturb Jonathan. She had merely hoped to be shown to his office, but she guessed he would need to be informed she had arrived. Although, Sean had given her their numbers. She could have saved him the trouble, and done it herself. She supposed it was too late to worry about it now. Besides, it seemed like he’d been expecting to see her directly.
The nice nurse led her down a pastel hallway, past several open exam room doors, and around a corner. She passed all the usual hallway-situated equipment: blood pressure cuff on wheels, scale, etc. Until she arrived at a locked door. The nurse unlocked the door and ushered Jaycee inside. The walls were covered in wood paneling, and the room was dominated by a large oak desk situated in front of a window covered in blinds. Two chairs sat before the desk and Jaycee slid into the one on the right.
“I’ll go let the doctor know you’re here. He’s been anticipating your visit all day,” the nurse said with a smile, shutting the door before heading off in search of Jonathan.
“Anticipating my visit?” Jaycee talked to herself. She was glad he was happy to see her, but felt a bit strange since the only reason she was here was because of the unfortunate events of the morning. Which Jaycee was doing her best not to think about, even now.
After a few minutes went by without a peep from Jonathan, Jaycee grew restless. At first she simply paced the front of the room. When that too grew tedious, she began reading the titles of the medical books stacked on the desk. Picking up the only book in which the title seemed like it was actually English, Jaycee began to read. By the time Jonathan peeked his head in to see her, she was fast asleep, her face buried in his anatomy reference book. He often used
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